Western Mail

Some changes you can make to manage the condition


1. Learn how to eat: The first step is eating properly. And not just what you eat, but when and how. Eat little and often and at regular times. Your system will then get into a good routine and eating smaller amounts will avoid bloating and diarrhoea. Eat slowly, as gulping food can make you swallow air, which results in wind and bloating. Chew well and drink lots of water. 2. Change your pattern: Eat your biggest meals earlier in the day and have a light evening meal. Also have foods that are harder to digest before 4pm. 3. Soothe yourself: Herbs and supplement­s can ease the symptoms of IBS. Calcium is thought to counteract diarrhoea as it slows down gut contractio­ns. Experts recommend linseed for constipati­on, while artichoke can help digestive complaints, especially after eating fatty foods. Finally, taking 500mg of turmeric extract once a day can also help because of its anti-inflammato­ry properties. 4. Keep on moving: Regular exercise can reduce bloating and constipati­on. Even 30 minutes of moderate exercise like brisk walking or yoga five times a week will help. 5. Peppermint oil: Taken in tea, oil, herb or capsule form, peppermint oil can help alleviate symptoms by relaxing the intestinal muscles. 6. Try different things: Complement­ary therapies might ease symptoms, include reflexolog­y, aromathera­py, massage, acupressur­e and yoga. Find one that suits you. 7. Be prepared: Many sufferers dread going out for meals for fear the stress will trigger symptoms, so planning ahead is key. Try to have a look at the menu before you go so you can carefully pick out the safest foods for you. If you’re afraid of things going wrong, take some preventati­ve medication before you go out. Don’t overeat. Finally, relax as stress could risk an attack. 8. Black pepper: It might not seem that powerful, but black pepper can make a big difference. Black pepper oil soothes cramps and relieves wind and also stimulates a sluggish digestive system. 9. Breathe slowly: Some people swallow air when they’re anxious, adding to the problem of wind and bloating. Learn to control this by practising abdominal breathing. 10. Sleep tight: Too little sleep or poor sleep has been shown to have a direct impact on the severity of IBS, so avoid caffeine later in the day.

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