Western Mail

Lions were great but where’s their anthem?


FIRSTLY I would like to congratula­te the British and Irish Lions on a cracking tour and the whole squad did themselves proud.

I’ve followed the Lions tours most of my life and I can never understand why they have no rugby anthem to sing.

I think it would be a massive plus for them to have their own anthem instead of just standing there while the host country sings theirs, and in the All Blacks’ case, to stand while they sing their anthem and then to stand while they do the haka. When you see how many fans travel to the other side of the world to watch the Lions then it is only fitting to sing an anthem for them.

Surely in this day and age someone could write an anthem that would be suitable for all the home nations to be happy with?

I obviously recognise that the All Blacks are arguably the best team in the world at present, but I think in a perfect sporting world if the Lions had more time together then they could burst the aura of the All Blacks and start beating them more often. I may sound a tad biased, but I am still a bitter man from the time I was at Cardiff Arms Park watching Wales playing the All Blacks and they jumped out of the lineout to win a penalty, and then went on to win the game.

This was a pre-rehearsed ploy of cheating that has stuck in my mind ever since and that was in 1978. I now have to resign myself to the fact I will probably never see Wales beat the All Blacks in my lifetime.

Once again, congratula­tions to the whole of the Lions squad for a great series. Phil Pearce Pontypool

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