Western Mail

Man who beat partner ‘has capacity to kill’, says judge


A MAN who “savagely” beat his partner “has the capacity to kill”, a judge said.

Kevin Evans, 42, punched the woman in the face and repeatedly kicked her to the head and body as she lay on the ground.

A judge said Evans was a dangerous offender, and gave him an extended prison sentence.

Swansea Crown Court heard that Evans launched the attack in the victim’s home in the early hours of February 25 just months after being released from prison for an aggravated burglary.

Catherine Richards, prosecutin­g, said Evans made derogatory sexual comments about his partner – in front of his brother – before punching her to the floor. He then kicked her in the face and body and drove off.

Evans, of Main Road, Dyffryn Cellwen, had previously pleaded guilty to wounding with intent, and to driving with excess alcohol, and driving without a licence or insurance.

Jonathan Elystan Rees, for Evans, said his client had expressed remorse, and said that the defendant had been acting as a mentor in prison after being recalled for breaching his licence – “a role not lightly given out”.

Judge Geraint Walters said he was sure Evans, when in drink, “has the capacity to kill”.

For the assault Evans was given an extended 10-year custodial sentence, eight years of which he will spend in prison and two on licence. For driving with excess alcohol he was sentenced to four months in prison to run concurrent­ly, while no separate penalty was imposed for other matters. He was banned from driving for three years.

 ??  ?? > Kevin Evans, 42
> Kevin Evans, 42

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