Western Mail

Playing fields sale plan to fund sports facilities

- Jason Evans

PLANS for a Swansea school to sell a chunk of its playing fields for housing to help fund improvemen­ts in its sports facilities have been submitted to the council.

Money raised by the sale of land at Olchfa School would be used to build an all-weather artificial games pitch – while some of the cash would also go to help other schools in the county.

The headteache­r of the school has acknowledg­ed that selling off school land is often “controvers­ial”, but said the process of doing so at his school had been a “positive one” so far.

Swansea Council said a parcel of land had been identified by school governors as being “surplus to requiremen­ts” – but stressed that no decision to sell had yet been taken.

The final say will rest with members of the council’s cabinet, and the proposals will have to be given planning permission by the local authority.

Headteache­r Hugh Davies said: “The sale of surplus school land is often a controvers­ial topic.

“However, I have to say that, in our experience, the process has been a positive one as it has allowed us to plan for developmen­ts at the school, including an exciting new all-weather sports pitch.

“The governing body has tried its best to work closely in partnershi­p with the local authority over the issue of the sale of land in order to secure outcomes that benefit pupils here at Olchfa as well as across the city.”

As well as creating a new 3G artificial pitch – similar to ones already in use in Morriston and Penyrheol Comprehens­ive Schools – cash from the sale of the land would be used to move the running track and to create a banked spectating area, as well as going towards “improvemen­ts at other schools in Swansea”.

The council has not said what proportion of the money will be spent on Olchfa and how much will go into the general education spending pot.

Olchfa will also keep two traditiona­l grass football and rugby pitches alongside the new hi-tech pitch.

The possibilit­y of an Olchfa sell-off was first raised last summer – now the scheme has been submitted and the public are being asked for their views.

Swansea Council’s chief education officer Nick Williams said: “This is a good example of Swansea Council and our schools working together to benefit education across the city.

“We are publishing a public notice outlining our intention to sell the surplus land, but I would stress no decision has been taken and all responses will be brought back to a future cabinet meeting for further considerat­ion.

“If cabinet decides to proceed, the surplus land will offered for sale and any developmen­t would subject to the planning process,” added Mr Williams.

Members of the public have until October 31 to comment on the proposals.

 ??  ?? > Playing fields at Olchfa Comprehens­ive School, Swansea, could be sold for housing in a bid to raise money to improve sports facilities at the school
> Playing fields at Olchfa Comprehens­ive School, Swansea, could be sold for housing in a bid to raise money to improve sports facilities at the school

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