Western Mail

Criticisin­g politician­s from a safe distance


RECENT letters have slammed politician­s for their policies, or lack of same, and for taking actions, or not acting – without the critics seemingly having a clue as to the details involved or the way in which our country is governed.

It’s so easy to sit at a safe distance and criticise what others do when you are uninformed and have no responsibi­lities in whatever matter is at issue.

The growing chaos over Brexit betrays just how little the British public understood what they were voting for and just how complex it would be to retire gracefully and painlessly from the “new Europe” everyone sought so eagerly to build amid fears of WWIII and trade domination by the US and China.

But my real dilemma about the flood of criticism is that it’s against politician­s that we voted for, presumably believing that we could trust them to get things right because they were the profession­als with all the relevant info to hand and the system in place to be able to work through the myriad of issues.

My blood curdles when I hear so-called expert analysists, straining on TV to make a politician answer questions or respond to criticism that he or she cannot do adequately on air for many different and valid reasons.

Having been around a bit for a long time, I’m forced to admit the UK in 2017 is not the country I grew up in and is far from being the onceproud seat of true democracy.

Kel Palmer Mountain Ash

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