Western Mail

Brexit will diminish UK’s global standing


BREXITEERS continue to moan about the frustratin­g Brexit negotiatio­ns.

Having won the referendum, they now complain because the EU is not rolling over and giving them what they want. They are beginning to realise that they can’t have their cake and eat it.

So they now take every opportunit­y to criticise the EU negotiator­s and, in particular, Jean-Claude Juncker for outlining measures designed to create a US of Europe. But why should we criticise Juncker for his understand­able vision of the EU’s future? After all the EU can no longer take for granted that the US will come to its aid in an increasing­ly dangerous world. So it makes sense in the long term to create a US of Europe with its own army.

In any case, because of Brexit we will have little or no influence on the EU’s future direction, nor for that matter events on the geopolitic­al stage. We will become ever more dependant on the Americans for our economic wellbeing and our safety. They might even give us a rebate on the fighter jets for our two aircraft carriers once Dr Fox agrees a trade deal!

It’s a bit rich of the Brexiteers to blame the EU for the debt problems of Greece, Italy and Portugal when the UK itself has public and private debt levels higher than in 2008, which combined with Brexit could plunge the UK into a disastrous recession.

But no matter what the future holds, there is little doubt that Brexit will diminish the UK’s role as a major player on the world stage and its status as a gateway to the world’s largest free market for foreign investors. Bryan D Prescott Caerphilly

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