Western Mail

Drunk teens beat up girl and set her coat on fire


TWO young girls who subjected a fellow teenager to a terrifying drunken beating, during which she was punched, kicked, spat at, taunted, and had her coat set on fire, have been handed youth referral orders – and banned from drinking alcohol.

The victim suffered bleeding on the brain during the latenight attack, and had to be hospitalis­ed – she has been left feeling scared to go out.

The girls, who are from the Neath area but who cannot be named because of their ages, had previously been found guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm – one with intent – when they appeared in the dock together for sentencing. One had also been convicted of arson.

The defendants were both 15 at the time of the incident.

Swansea Crown Court heard the instigator of the attack was “wild” and “out of control” on the night in question, having drunk two litres of Frosty Jack white cider – which has an alcohol content of 7.5%.

When she came across her victim in a wooded area she subjected her to a vicious attack, kicking and punching the girl, spitting at her, pouring alcohol over her, and throwing a rock at her as she lay on the ground. She also set fire to her jacket. Her co-accused, who was also drunk, joined the attack, hitting the girl as she lay defenceles­s on the floor.

Their victim suffered bruising over her face and body, and bleeding on the brain – she was kept in hospital but did not require surgery.

In an impact statement she said that during the ordeal the main instigator had told her that the more she cried the more she would hit her.

David Leathley, for the defendant convicted of inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent, said the teen had been “hopelessly out of control” on the night in question after drinking a flagon of Frosty Jack.

He said the girl had had a “very turbulent upbringing”, and could be considered as much of a victim as the girl she attacked.

John Hipkin, for the other defendant, said pressure had been applied on his client to get involved in the attack – albeit pressure short of duress.

Both defendants were given youth referral orders – one for two years, and one for 12 months – and were made the subject of curfews and of prohibited activity requiremen­ts which ban them from drinking alcohol during the orders.

They were both given five-year restrainin­g orders banning them from contacting their victim.

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