Western Mail

Hi-tech thieves stealing more cars


VEHICLE thefts in England and Wales have increased by almost a third in just three years, new figures show.

The RAC, which obtained the data through Freedom of Informatio­n requests to police forces, believes thieves are bypassing modern vehicle security systems.

Responses from 40 forces revealed 85,688 vehicles were stolen last year, up 30% from 65,783 in 2013.

RAC insurance director Mark Godfrey said this rise reverses a general trend of vehicle thefts decreasing since around 2002.

“We fear thieves are now becoming more and more well equipped with technology capable of defeating car manufactur­ers’ anti-theft systems,” he said.

“This is bad news for motorists as it has the effect of causing insurance premiums to rise at a time when they are already being pushed up by a variety of factors, not least the recent change to the discount rate for lifechangi­ng personal injury compensati­on claims and the rises in insurance premium tax.”

Mr Godfrey said a number of motorists are resorting to using anti-theft devices which were popular in the 1980s and early 1990s, such as steering-wheel locks.

“They are still a very effective visible deterrent,” he added.

Police in Warwickshi­re reported the largest percentage increase in stolen vehicles from 2013 to 2016, up 189%.

This was followed by Hampshire (59%), West Yorkshire (57%) and Norfolk (56%).

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