Western Mail

Welsh Tories demand PM’s support for a tidal lagoon

- Richard Youle newsdesk@walesonlin­e.co.uk

THERESA May will go into the Conservati­ve Party Conference this weekend facing pressure from within her party to back the Swansea Bay tidal lagoon.

The Prime Minister is being urged by politician­s at all levels of her party to give the £1.3bn sustainabl­e energy-generating project a chance.

A letter to her urges: “We will never know the full extent of what can be achieved if we don’t get on and try.”

It argues the lagoon would cost each household in the UK “less than a pint of milk”.

The letter is signed by all 11 Welsh Conservati­ve AMs, two council leaders, all three Welsh Tory MPs who don’t have Government roles and seven local group leaders.

The lagoon, which already has planning approval, will only go ahead if Department for Energy agrees to guarantee a price for the electricit­y it will generate.

Earlier this week Labour’s Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell pledged his party’s backing for the energy project, which developer Tidal Lagoon Power said would generate the equivalent electricit­y used by 155,000 households for 120 years.

The Conservati­ve politician­s are sending their letter to Ms May ahead of the start of the party’s UK conference in Manchester, which runs from Sunday. The four-day event concludes on Wednesday with the Prime Minister’s speech entitled

“Building a Country that Works”.

They write: “We’re now at the crucial phase of this project.

“We in the Welsh Conservati­ves look to your Government to seize the moment and give it your full support.

“We now have the opportunit­y to deliver together an incredibly popular major infrastruc­ture investment here in Wales, and in so doing launch a world-leading industry that fuels a thriving and prosperous United Kingdom outside of the European Union.

“We will never know the full extent of what can be achieved if we don’t get on and try. The Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon gives us that chance. We must be bold in our pursuit of a secure, reliable, clean and diverse power supply for today and for the generation­s to come. Tidal lagoons may be fundamenta­lly different to all other energy projects, but with Brexit approachin­g we must have the confidence to negotiate the challenges and maximise the opportunit­ies that come with change.”

The letter said the privately-funded lagoon could revitalise the Welsh economy with a new market for manufactur­ers alongside commercial opportunit­ies in leisure and tourism. It goes on to cite the Government’s Hendry Review, which backed the lagoon and concluded it was “a ‘no regrets policy’, costing households less than the price of a pint of milk each year and in a single step, opens up the very real prospect of generating power from the UK’s abundant tidal resource at prices that can compete with, if not outperform, existing large-scale low carbon generators.”

And it argues that the lagoon could revitalise the Welsh economy, saying: “The Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon can revitalise the Welsh economy with a new market for traditiona­l Welsh manufactur­ers and industries, a new career path for students and workers alike, a myriad of new commercial opportunit­ies in leisure, tourism and conservati­on, and a positive, far-sighted and forward-thinking statement to the world.”

Welsh party chairman Byron Davies, who backed the scheme during his tenure as MP, said in the letter that the lagoon “opens up the very real prospect of generating power from the UK’s abundant tidal resource at prices that can compete with, if not outperform, existing large-scale low carbon generators”.

Tidal Lagoon Power wants the Swansea lagoon to be a prototype for larger lagoons off Cardiff, Newport and Colwyn Bay, among others.

Earlier this month the company secured a grid connection for a Cardiff lagoon which, it said, would be capable of producing 10 times as much electricit­y as the Swansea one.

Investors backing the project warned in July that time was running out unless a decision was made soon. The scheme has its detractors, who are worried about its impact on migrating fish and where the rock to build the lagoon wall would come from.

Tidal Lagoon Power also needs a marine licence from Natural Resources Wales before any work can start on the four-year constructi­on project.

Yesterday, Cabinet Secretary for Environmen­t and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths AM said she believed the UK Government was unlikely to give the lagoon a final sign-off.

But last week leader of Swansea council Rob Stewart said they would look at “alternativ­e ways” of making the lagoon happen if the Government failed to make a decision on it soon.

Councillor Lyndon Jones, Swansea Conservati­ve group leader, said: “This is something the Conservati­ve group feel very strongly about and is a must for Swansea and has our full support.”

 ?? Tidal Lagoon Power ?? > An artist’s impression of the wall in a proposed tidal lagoon at Swansea Bay
Tidal Lagoon Power > An artist’s impression of the wall in a proposed tidal lagoon at Swansea Bay

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