Western Mail




THE dark age of celebrity parents monetising their cherubic children dawned many years before the scourge of selfies, social media and smart phones.

In the handsomely crafted drama Goodbye Christophe­r Robin, battle-scarred author A A Milne and his wife Daphne treat their young son as a sales tool in the mid-1920s to promote the literary adventures of a hunny-loving bear called Winnie-The-Pooh.

A tender exchange by telephone between father and son is broadcast live on the radio without the boy’s consent or prior knowledge, a trip to the zoo turns into a calculated photo opportunit­y with the resident brown bear, and playtime is curtailed to make way for a busy schedule of interviews and meet ’n’ greets.

The sacrifice of one little boy’s childhood innocence for the happiness and healing of a shell-shocked Britain, which has been devastated by the Great War, is at the wounded heart of Simon Curtis’ picture.

The script, co-written by Frank Cottrell-Boyce and Simon Vaughan, gradually exposes the anguish and resentment that festered beneath the Hundred Acre Wood.

Milne (Domhnall Gleeson) returns to London from the trenches, where he witnessed hundreds of countrymen cut down in their prime.

“Find something to be happy about and stick to that,” glibly suggests his wife Daphne (Margot Robbie), who cannot understand her husband’s inner turmoil.

Angered by the senseless loss of life, Milne abandons the capital for a quaint house in Ashdown Forest, transplant­ing Daphne, their young son Christophe­r Robin (Will Tilston) and the boy’s nanny Olive (Kelly Macdonald) to the verdant idyll.

Milne hopes to pen a fierce rebuke against war, but is repeatedly distracted by his son.

“I’d really like if you wrote a book for me,” says Christophe­r Robin sweetly. “I’d definitely read it.”

A walk with the boy through the sun-dappled landscape fertilises Milne’s imaginatio­n and he contemplat­es a book that magically brings to life his son’s menagerie of stuffed toys including a morose donkey named Eeyore and a porcine runt called Piglet.

Good friend Ernest Shepard (Stephen Campbell Moore) illustrate­s these enchanting escapades, which take the Milne clan around the world including glamorous New York.

“It’s just like London, but with more money!” chirrups wide-eyed Daphne. Goodbye Christophe­r Robin is a classy evocation of an era that tore countless families apart. It’s an emotionall­y chilly picture, reflected in Gleeson’s restrained performanc­e, which internalis­es Milne’s posttrauma­tic stress and shuts out his family as well as us. That facade fractures in a couple of scenes, including one mournful heart-to-heart with his teenage son (now played by Alex Lawther) overlookin­g the East Sussex countrysid­e. Robbie relishes her flashier if underwritt­en character, while Macdonald provides warmth as the nanny, who recognises the damage being wrought on her dimple-cheeked young charge. Sadly, Milne and his wife don’t heed her sage counsel until it is too late.

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 ??  ?? Play time: Kelly Macdonald provides warmth as Christophe­r’s nanny Olive
Play time: Kelly Macdonald provides warmth as Christophe­r’s nanny Olive

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