Western Mail

Pair who had pizza-shop sex spared jail


A COUPLE who had sex in a pizza delivery shop as staff worked on the other side of the counter have been spared jail.

Daniella Hirst and Craig Smith were caught on CCTV engaging in a sex act and having sex in the Domino’s Pizza, in Castle Road, Scarboroug­h.

Magistrate­s in the resort told the pair yesterday the offence was serious enough for them to be jailed, but instead opted to give them community orders, including curfews.

“You were both very close to going to prison,” chairman of the bench Charles Davis told them.

He said: “It was a brazen offence, committed in public over a prolonged period and in the presence of staff.”

Magistrate­s watched 10 minutes of the footage showing the couple in the pizza shop in February.

The video showed them ordering food and messing around with a yellow cleaning cone before Hirst performs oral sex on Smith.

They are then seen having sex while leaning on the counter close to the till.

Staff can be seen working in the kitchen as the couple continue their antics.

Hirst, 29, of Gypsey Road, Bridlingto­n, pleaded guilty to outraging public decency at a hearing last month.

Smith, 31, of Field Road, Bridlingto­n, was found guilty of the same offence after a 30-minute-long trial.

 ??  ?? > Craig Smith and Daniella Hirst
> Craig Smith and Daniella Hirst

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