Western Mail

Gold forged in nuclear furnace as stars collide

A gold mine on a cosmic scale has been found in a distant galaxy where astronomer­s watched the titanic collision between two super-dense neutron stars. John von Radowitz reports...


IN A kind of alchemy, a fireball 130 million light years away created huge quantities of gold, along with platinum, uranium and other heavy elements.

Scientists detected more gold than the whole of the Earth’s mass in the chemical signatures of the explosion, dubbed a “kilonova”.

Huge quantities of other precious metals, including platinum and uranium, were also forged in the nuclear furnace.

The discovery has been described as a “eureka moment” by Cardiff University scientists, who predicted it will lead to “a treasure trove of scientific results”.

A team from Cardiff were able to use the results to “measure the expansion of the universe more accurately than had ever been achieved before”.

The spectacula­r event was powerful enough to generate ripples in the very fabric of the universe, leading to the fifth detection of gravitatio­nal waves on Earth – a major discovery in itself.

Scientists not only “heard” the phenomenon by measuring vibrations in space-time, they also used satellite and ground-based telescopes to see the outburst of light and radiation.

Excited astronomer­s talked of opening a “new chapter in astrophysi­cs” and unlocking a “treasure trove” of new science.

Professor Sheila Rowan, one of the many British scientists involved and director of the University of Glasgow’s Institute for Gravitatio­nal Research, said: “Nature has given us the most dazzling gift. The first gravitatio­nal wave signals from colliding neutron stars are a key that has allowed us to unlock the door to answer several long-standing mysteries. One of these... is the puzzle of where some of the gold and other heavy elements in the cosmos have come from. We now believe that the violent collision of neutron stars could be a gold factory.”

Based on the observatio­ns, scientists calculated that colliding neutron stars could account for half the gold and other heavy elements in the universe.

Every other gravitatio­nal wave detection has been traced to black holes crashing together in remote regions of the universe more than a billion light years away.

The new event – though still very distant – was much closer and completely different in nature. It was caused by colliding neutron stars – burned-out remnants of giant stars so dense that a teaspoon of their material on Earth would weigh a billion tons.

The two objects, each about 12 miles (19km) in diameter, stretched and distorted space-time as they spiralled towards each other and finally collided. Like ripples from a stone thrown in a pond, the gravitatio­nal waves fanned out across the universe at the speed of light.

They were picked up on Earth by two incredibly sensitive detectors in Washington and Louisiana in the US, operated by the Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-Wave Observator­y (Ligo).

It was here the first discovery of gravitatio­nal waves was made in September 2015, confirming a prediction made by Albert Einstein 100 years ago and earning three pioneers of the project a Nobel Prize.

Two seconds after the Ligo detection, a burst of gamma rays from the neutron star collision was captured by Nasa’s Fermi space telescope.

Astronomer­s around the world quickly turned their telescopes and dishes towards a small patch in the southern sky and also saw the flash across the visible and invisible light spectrum. Analysis of the light revealed something astonishin­g – the manufactur­e of gold and other heavy elements. The creation of heavy elements by colliding neutron stars had previously been theorised but not observed.

Dr Joe Lyman, from the University of Warwick, said: “Heavy elements, like the gold or platinum in jewellery, are the cinders, forged in the billion-degree remnants of a merging neutron star.”

A third gravitatio­nal wave facility called Virgo, near Pisa in Italy, also registered a faint signal from the event, allowing scientists to triangulat­e its position.

The neutron star collision took place 130 million light years away in a relatively old galaxy called NGC 4993. When the gravitatio­nal waves began their journey across space, dinosaurs roamed the Earth. The gravitatio­nal wave signal, named GW170817, was detected at 1.41pm UK time on August 17.

A tight lid was kept on the findings until the publicatio­n of a series of papers in journals including Nature, Nature Astronomy, Science, Physical Review Letters, and the Astrophysi­cal Journal.

The internatio­nal researcher­s expect to spend many months trawling through the mountain of data.

One question already answered is the origin of short-duration gamma ray bursts. Gamma ray bursts (GRBs), marked by an eruption of gamma rays lasting millisecon­ds to several minutes, are the most powerful explosions known.

Scientists now know that one type of GRB is generated when neutron stars collide.

In addition, astronomer­s were able to use the gravitatio­nal wave detections to measure the expansion of the universe more accurately than had ever been achieved before.

British Ligo scientist Professor BS Sathyaprak­ash, from Cardiff University, described the new discovery as “truly a eureka moment”.

He added: “The 12 hours that followed are inarguably the most exciting hours of my scientific life. This event marks a turning-point in observatio­nal astronomy and will lead to a treasure trove of scientific results.”

Professor Bernard Schutz, also from Cardiff University, told how his team used the gravitatio­nal wave detections to measure the expansion of the universe more accurately than had ever been achieved before.

“What has amazed me... is that with just this one measuremen­t, we got a result right in the middle between the two rather different values that astronomer­s have measured recently,” he said.

Professor Bob Nichol, director of the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitatio­n at the University of Portsmouth, said: “It doesn’t get more exciting than this for an astronomer.”

US scientist Dr David Shoemaker, from the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology, spokesman for the Ligo scientific collaborat­ion, said: “This event is just so rich. It is a gift that will keep on giving.”

Ligo colleague Professor Laura Cadonati, from the Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, said: “This detection has genuinely opened the doors to a new way of doing astrophysi­cs.”

 ?? University of Warwick/Mark Garli ?? > Two neutron stars colliding. Gold forged from the titanic collision of two super-dense stars has made an alchemist’s dream come true 130 million light years from Earth
University of Warwick/Mark Garli > Two neutron stars colliding. Gold forged from the titanic collision of two super-dense stars has made an alchemist’s dream come true 130 million light years from Earth

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