Western Mail


The first extracts from Lee Byrne’s sensationa­l autobiogra­phy –


AT the Ospreys, Shane and I, with Hooky and Phillsy, formed the ‘Fab Four’, a moniker made up by Ryan Jones, based mostly on the fact we liked hanging out with each other. Just four dull characters sitting round talking rubbish.

Hooky would be going on about Home Alone, his favourite film. Mike would burst in and tell us for the umpteenth time that he’d found ‘the one’, only to notice by the next week that ‘the one’ had a hair on her toe, or ate funny.

We’d take the mickey out of Shane for his size, obviously. They picked on me for being a secret trainer.

We also shared a passion for male grooming. Maybe it was Gavin Henson who’d set the trend on that score, actually – using fake tan and getting his body hair lasered – but the ‘Fab Four’ were quick to follow in Gav’s footsteps, and others followed us. St. Tropez made a mint off us.

Even Tom Shanklin started looking orange at one point! My pregame ritual normally included half-an-hour on the sunbed followed by a spot of hair removal.

Such behaviour might make people frown. But there was definitely a psychologi­cal element to it as far as we were concerned. ‘Look good, feel good, play good’ – that’s what we used to say. And I definitely felt like I played better after a good shave and a nice tan.

I loved playing with Shane. I remember watching him for Neath when I was younger and thinking, ‘Imagine having the talent he’s got.’ He was phenomenal, running round in his baggy jersey and scoring these magic tries.

People say Shane and I had a telepathic understand­ing. It may have looked that way, but most of it was down to work rate. Knowing he could conjure something from nothing, I would always make sure to be on his shoulder in case he made a half-break.

Shane was untouchabl­e in 2008, a deserved winner of the IRB World Player of the Year Award.

The try he scored against France to seal the Grand Slam, where he hacked a loose ball through and gathered it at full tilt... I’m convinced no one else on the planet could have done it.

He liked nothing better than to run at people one-on-one (especially the big men), and he could make you look silly.

The secret was how he’d run straight at you, sidesteppi­ng only at the last second, to leave the wouldbe tackler flailing at thin air. The way he signed off his careers for Wales and Ospreys (with tries in each case) was typical Shane. And you can’t begrudge him any of the plaudits.

Once written off as too small, no one worked harder to overcome the odds and prove the doubters wrong.

MY phone rang. The words ‘Rob Howley mobile’ flashed up on the screen. It was a Saturday evening in November, 2013.

I was sitting in a bar opposite the Stade Marcel-Michelin in Clermont, enjoying a glass of red wine with Alex Lapandry, my best mate in France.

Earlier that day, we’d beaten Montpellie­r in the Top 14, and I’d scored two tries. It was my third season in France and I was playing well.

I had a sixth sense about the purpose of the call. There’d been a glut of injuries in the Wales squad, and they were short of full-back cover for the following Friday’s match, an autumn internatio­nal against Tonga at the Millennium Stadium.

I showed Alex the screen: ‘Byrney, answer it!’ he urged. We’d been friends a while and he knew how desperate I’d been to reclaim my Wales jersey.

I hesitated for a moment... then pressed the decline button.

Why? On the face of it, I should have been delighted to get Howley’s call. I hadn’t started a Wales game since the World Cup match against Fiji more than two years earlier. This game was my chance. Who knows: I might have won Man of the Match and gone on to get another 60 caps?

At the very least I might have had a few more to my tally of 46. And it would have been a chance to prove

The Ospreys really were the Galacticos and the Fab Four were a key part of that – Byrne and his close mates Shane Williams, Mike Phillips and James Hook. Plus, of course, a certain Gavin Henson. Here, Byrne talks glowingly of his friends on and off the field of play...

LEE BYRNE has written the rugby book of the year, detailing some of the biggest secrets in the Welsh game. Capped 46 times by Wales, Byrne was the world’s best full-back and a key part of the Warren Gatland side that won the Grand Slam. Here, in part one of our exclusive extracts from ‘The Byrne Identity’, he reveals his dismay at the way Gatland’s No2 Rob Howley treated him as his internatio­nal career came to an end.

my doubters wrong, to show that I could still perform on the biggest stage.

This wasn’t the first time I’d heard from Howley that autumn: surprising, because I’d barely spoken with him before then since the World Cup in 2011. But one day, out of the blue, he called me about comments I’d made in The Western Mail.

A journalist had contacted me to ask about Jonathan Davies’ expected move to Clermont the following season. The conversati­on had lasted about 25 minutes. I waxed lyrical about Clermont: about how much Foxy would enjoy the rugby.

At the very end of our chat, the reporter asked me about my own internatio­nal future – specifical­ly, whether I thought I had one. Jokingly, I answered: ‘I think they’ve lost my number!’ It was a throwaway comment, forgotten as soon as it was said.

The next day, my phone went – it was Rob. He told me my phone number remark was on the back page of the paper and wanted to know why I’d made it. ‘Rob, ... I talked about Jonathan Davies for 25 minutes and said that at the end. There was nothing in it.’

At no point did he ask me how I was, or how I was getting on at Clermont. Towards the end of the conversati­on I asked him how he thought I was playing, and what my prospects were of a Wales recall.

He said he’d phone me back to discuss it. The call never came.

You may have inferred from the above that I’m not Howley’s biggest fan. We’d started working together in 2008 when Warren Gatland brought him into the Wales set-up. He’d overseen my best moments in a Wales shirt, and I rated him as an attack coach.

But, in around 2011, cracks started to appear in our relationsh­ip. I’d been affected by a knee injury and had worked my backside off to make

the squad for the World Cup.

But when I returned to the training field, I noticed that Howley had a different attitude towards me. I felt he was trying to undermine me, in a subtle yet insidious way.

At the time, Leigh Halfpenny – the man who was to take my full-back jersey – was flavour of the month.

‘Great kick, Halfers. Well done, Halfers!’ Howley would yell during training. Fair enough, except when I nailed the same kick there’d be stony silence. ‘Awesome angle, Halfers!’ he’d cry, only to ignore anything decent I did, whilst loudly criticisin­g my mistakes.

These were not isolated incidents, but a recurring theme. The pattern became glaringly obvious to my team-mates, who’d take the mickey out of me about it.

‘Byrney!’ they’d shout at me, in imitation of Howley and his signature bawl. It was funny – but I was starting to get the impression the top brass didn’t want me.

Please don’t think I’m whingeing here. I appreciate that coaches have a job to do. And I also understand that players have their sell-by date.

Naturally, I wouldn’t have enjoyed being phased out of the team however he’d done it. But I’d have had more respect for Howley if, as a senior coach, he’d taken me aside and told me what was happening.

That was the way Gatland generally handled things, to be fair. And I didn’t mind being shouted at, either. Shaun Edwards – another Gatland lieutenant – did it the whole time, but I accepted it because his intentions were good. This was different. Far from being a strategy to help me improve, it seemed to me that Howley’s constant sniping was part of a grindingdo­wn process – step by step and day by day – to get me out of th e team. I felt like he was trying to break me down mentally, to make me give in so they could justify dropping me.

The snide remarks had started earlier, when he began passing comment about my social life. As we each lived in Bridgend and knew many of the same people, it would often get back to him if I’d been out. ‘Good night last night, Byrney?’ or ‘Out again on the weekend, Byrney?’ he’d say, in front of the other players.

Again, I thought this was unnecessar­y. I’d always enjoyed a night out when the time was right. It had never been a problem before, but suddenly it seemed as if my social habits were being used as ammunition against me. I wasn’t the only player he’d pick on using these tactics, but few would stand up to him. One exception was Phillsy (Mike Phillips), who once told him where to go. That kind of edge made Mike a great player, but it wasn’t my style. Instead, I just put up with it and simmered. By the 2012 Six Nations, I was no more first choice in the Wales team. But I was still named in the training squad. Each week I’d return from France for training. This was no mean feat: on the Sunday night I’d take a flight from Clermont to Amsterdam then onto Cardiff, before making the return journey in midweek, after the match-day squad had been announced. To make matters worse, the WRU – as part of their cost-cutting measures at the time – were not covering my travel expenses. The players who’d driven from Swansea or Llanelli weren’t happy about this, so imagine how I felt. The to-ing and fro-ing left me about five or six grand out of pocket (I eventually got a small amount back). At no point did I consider retiring from Wales duty, but it was a fair way to come – at my own expense – to hold tackle bags.

So this was the background to the phone call I received that November night in 2013.

Eased out of the Wales team; subjected, in my view, to bullying treatment; dragged back and forth to Wales with hardly any compensati­on for my troubles.

For two years, there’d been no communicat­ion with the management; but here was a man – a man who I felt had tried to humiliate me in front of my team-mates – ringing up and expecting me to come running because he’d clicked his fingers, to be cannon-fodder for a Friday night game against Tonga.

I excused myself to Alex and left the bar to check my voicemail. Rob’s message was as I’d expected: ‘Byrney, get on the plane. You’re starting against Tonga.’

I took a moment to reflect, then called him back. The call diverted to his voicemail.

‘Forget it, Rob,’ I said. ‘I ain’t coming back.’

I never played for Wales again.

We contacted the Welsh Rugby Union to get a response to Byrne’s claims. They issued the following statement: “As a matter of course, we will contact Lee to fully understand his concerns regarding his treatment towards the end of his time with Wales.We will then determine whether any further comment needs to be made.”

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