Western Mail

Spain to reveal Catalan control measures today

- Aritz Parra newsdesk@walesonlin­e.co.uk

SPANISH prime minister Mariano Rajoy said his government will announce specific measures today to take control of the Catalonia region, now that an agreement has been reached with the country’s main opposition parties.

Mr Rajoy refused to confirm if the agreement with the Socialists includes plans to hold regional elections in Catalonia in January, as announced by the party’s negotiator earlier. His government also reached agreement with the centre-right, pro-business Ciudadanos (Citizens) party.

Mr Rajoy, commenting on the unpreceden­ted constituti­onal step he is taking to assume control of Catalonia, said: “The goal is double: the return to legality, and the recovery of institutio­nal normalcy.”

The prime minister said the Catalan crisis was only discussed on the sidelines of a European leaders’ summit because the political deadlock is an internal Spanish affair.

But he said his fellow leaders share his concern that Catalan separatist authoritie­s have acted against the rule of law and democracy.

The main negotiator for the opposition Socialist party, Carmen Calvo, said earlier that a snap election in the prosperous region had been agreed upon as part of the Socialists’ support for government efforts to rein in the crisis.

The move is likely to further inflame tensions between Spain and Catalan pro-independen­ce activists.

Catalonia’s government said it has the mandate to secede from Spain after an illegal referendum was held on October 1, and it does not want a new regional election.

The central government will hold a special Cabinet session today to begin the activation of Article 155 of Spain’s 1978 Constituti­on, which allows for central authoritie­s to take over all or some of the powers of any of the country’s 17 autonomous regions.

The measure, which has never been used since democracy was restored after General Francisco Franco’s dictatorsh­ip, needs to be approved by the Senate.

Mr Rajoy’s conservati­ve Popular Party has an absolute majority in the Senate, so it should pass easily as early as October 27.

Spain’s government also agreed on the move with the centre-right, probusines­s Ciudadanos (Citizens) party, Mr Rajoy told reporters.

Although not part of the meeting’s official agenda, the Catalan crisis was the main topic in corridors and sideline discussion­s.

Mr Rajoy has insisted that the political deadlock is a domestic Spanish affair, but acknowledg­ed that it was a cause of concern for his fellow leaders.

He accused the Catalan separatist authoritie­s of acting against the rule of law and democracy and said: “This is something that goes directly against the basic principles of the European Union.”

European leaders have supported Mr Rajoy in its escalating conflict with the separatist­s.

Offering his “full, entire support,” French president Emmanuel Macron blamed extremist forces for “feeding” on separatism as a kind of division within Europe and a “factor of destabilis­ation”.

Meanwhile, some bank customers in Catalonia withdrew symbolic amounts of money to protest against financial institutio­ns that have moved their official headquarte­rs to other locations in Spain amid the political crisis.

Pro-independen­ce umbrella group Crida Democracia called on consumers to put pressure on banks that made the decision.

By yesterday morning, dozens of people were lining up at a CaixaBank branch in downtown Barcelona, most of them withdrawin­g €150 or €160 from ATMs.

The amounts were closest to 155, in reference to Article 155.

CaixaBank and Banco Sabadell, the largest Catalan lenders, are among nearly 1,000 financial institutio­ns and businesses that have moved their official registrati­on out of Catalonia in the past few weeks.

The crisis over Catalonia’s quest for independen­ce escalated on Thursday, as Spain’s central government prepared to start activating Article 155 after Catalan president Carles Puigdemont refused to abandon secession.

 ?? Emilio Morenatti ?? > A woman wearing an estelada – independen­ce flag – walks along a street covered with referendum ballots thrown by pro-independen­ce demonstrat­ors, during a rally in Barcelona earlier this month
Emilio Morenatti > A woman wearing an estelada – independen­ce flag – walks along a street covered with referendum ballots thrown by pro-independen­ce demonstrat­ors, during a rally in Barcelona earlier this month

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