Western Mail

Brexit blundering is a disaster forWales


THE Westminste­r Government is still blundering along.

Cameron’s gross blundering gave us a referendum on membership of the European Union, which he expected to win, to shut up rightwing Tories and Ukip.

He lost and ran away. His replacemen­t Mrs May called a general election to increase the number of Tory MPs to strengthen her hand in talks with the EU.

She lost seats and had to bribe the Democratic Unionist Party with £1bn to keep her sinking ship afloat.

Now her blundering Brexit negotiator turns up at EU exit talks with no prepared papers. They will walk away from the talks, tell Brussels to go to hell and there will be triple pink gins all round in high Tory circles, the City of London and amongst the Ukip membership.

This is all a total disaster for Wales.

Our farmers, manufactur­ing, universiti­es and many other aspects of life in Wales are dependent on membership of the European Union or, failing that, having a close relationsh­ip with Brussels.

A crude, no-agreement departure from the EU will throw Wales’ economy into total chaos.

The Welsh people voted to leave the European Union. They did not vote to destroy our country.

Talks with the European Union that affect Wales must be conducted by people representi­ng Welsh national interests, not millionair­e English public schoolboys only interested in the City of London.

May, Boris and David Davis are not capable of representi­ng Wales. We need Welsh Government representa­tives at these talks.

Westminste­r government blundering shows more than ever that we need independen­ce for Wales. Councillor Keith Parry (Plaid Cymru) Cardiff

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