Western Mail

Restrainin­g order ends neighbours’ epic dispute

- Robert Dalling newsdesk@walesonlin­e.co.uk

ARESTRAINI­NG order has been made against an Amman Valley man after he was found not guilty of assaulting his neighbour following a 20-year dispute between the two men.

Tony Mallon appeared before Swansea Crown Court in relation to a dispute with his neighbour Bobby Vijay.

Mallon, 55, of Tabernacle Road, denied assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm, and a racially-aggravated public order matter.

On the second day of the trial yesterday, the jury found him not guilty of both charges.

It came after the prosecutio­n offered no evidence against Mallon, with parties instead agreeing on a non-conviction restrainin­g order.

The decision came after a long period of discussion which Judge Heywood said “tested his patience”.

Addressing the jury, he said: “I would like to thank you for your patience, it has been tested to the limit, and so has mine.”

Prosecutor Rhys Thomas reiterated his apologies about the delay. He said the prosecutio­n would be offering no evidence against Mallon, before a non-conviction restrainin­g order was put in place.

On the first day of the trial on Tuesday, the court was told that the men owned neighbouri­ng plots of land in Glanamman.

The court heard a conflict between the pair revolved around the issue of a right of way.

The jury was told that Mr Vijay bought a plot of land off Tabernacle Road and was granted a right of way across the neighbouri­ng plot to allow him access to the road. He subsequent­ly built a number of houses and bungalows on the land.

Mallon later acquired the neighbouri­ng plot, which had Mr Vijay’s right of way running over it, from the same owner. The court heard that relations between the pair were initially cordial.

But the row has seen numerous visits by police to Tabernacle Road.

Mr Vijay alleged that on July 9 last year he was on Mallon’s driveway, the right of way he enjoys, when he heard a digger “revving”.

He alleged that he saw the digger, being driven by Mallon, coming down the drive towards him. Mr Vijay told the court that he had “jumped out of the way” of the digger, which missed him “by a couple of inches”. Mr Vijay had claimed the digger then stopped and reversed towards him, pinning him against the wall.

Summing up the case, Judge Heywood said: “Why, in the 21st century, can’t two grown adults come to a reasonable agreement?

“This has been going on for 20 years and I would like to have them both together and knock their heads together.

“I’m going to be making a restrainin­g order. It does not result in a conviction but I hope it helps avoid a repeat.”

 ??  ?? > Tony Mallon leaving Swansea Crown Court after his hearing yesterday
> Tony Mallon leaving Swansea Crown Court after his hearing yesterday

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