Western Mail

‘The islanders were so fearful of us leaving...’

Welsh police officers travelled to the British Virgin Islands to help the relief effort after Hurricane Irma devastated the region. Philip Dewey reports...


POLICE officers who travelled out to the British Virgin Islands to help with the disaster relief effort following Hurricane Irma said it was the “experience of a lifetime”.

The officers from Gwent Police were among those from 12 other police forces in England and Wales to visit the islands following the devastatin­g natural disaster in September.

At least five people were killed and thousands were left homeless in the hurricane after wind speeds of up to 185mph battered houses and businesses and left the islands without water or electricit­y.

Seven police constables and one sergeant from Gwent volunteere­d and were sent to the British Virgin Islands on 20 October to assist local police officers who faced challenges to public order including looting.

The were based at the island for four weeks and during that time played a community policing role to help restore order to the region and to help those whose lives had been destroyed by Hurricane Irma.

PC Gareth McSherry said: “The British Virgin Islands are still part of UK territorie­s and there’s still a responsibi­lty to defend them and help in situations like this. That’s what spurred it off and we were among the third wave of officers who were sent out there.”

PC Sian Baumber said: “We were sent there on a voluntary basis but you were only chosen to go if you had specialist skills. We are all trained in public order but I believe we were chosen on merit to provide support for the local police.”

Despite being already aware of Hurricane Irma and having seen news reports of the destructio­n in the British Virgin Islands, the officers said nothing could prepare them for the scene of devastatio­n that awaited them.

PC Simon Dover said: “To actually see it first-hand and realise it was real, that it was not just a building but someone’s home that’s totally destroyed, it brings it home to you.

“Until you have been through it yourself, you can’t really do it justice and the guys who were telling us about Irma, we would never be able to know what they were really feeling.”

Speaking about the role they carried out in the Islands, Sergeant Carl Blanks said: “The primary focus of our policing duties was to enforce the curfew which had been put in place, guard government buildings and to make sure everybody got a fair share when the aid came in. It was about providing reassuranc­e for the locals.

“They were so fearful of us leaving because they thought it would go back to being lawless. After the storm there was an awful lot of looting and no electricit­y, their main prison got destroyed and most of the prisoners escaped.”

The officers also got to meet Sir Richard Branson, who stayed at his home on Necker Island during Hurricane Irma

Talking about their meeting with the entreprene­ur, PC Marianne Greening said: “He thanked us all individual­ly and was very down-to-Earth. It shows that no matter how much money you have, it doesn’t stop the devastatio­n. He was concerned about the welfare of those who had been injured or lost their homes.”

PC Baumber added: “He was asking us about the community and asked us who was working there. He was very humble and very engaging. You wouldn’t know he was a billionair­e.”

The officers said it was imperative when the opportunit­y arises for forces in the UK to help those abroad in their time of need.

PC Baumber said: “It was an experience of a lifetime for us. It’s something we have never done – we have had a lot of time in our roles and never had an operation like it.

“In times of devastatio­n and need, if we can go across and do the same role and we have got the resources to do it, then why not?”

 ??  ?? > The Gwent police officers involved in relief efforts on the British Virgin Islands. Back row, PC Iwan Adams, PC Chris Fairclough, PC Marianne Greening, PC Sian Baumber, PC Simon Dover. Front row, PC Steve Lloyd, PS Carl Blanks and PC Gareth McSherry
> The Gwent police officers involved in relief efforts on the British Virgin Islands. Back row, PC Iwan Adams, PC Chris Fairclough, PC Marianne Greening, PC Sian Baumber, PC Simon Dover. Front row, PC Steve Lloyd, PS Carl Blanks and PC Gareth McSherry
 ??  ?? > Boats piled up at Nanny Cay on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands after Hurricane Irma
> Boats piled up at Nanny Cay on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands after Hurricane Irma

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