Western Mail

Teen restaurant worker tried to kill man he met on dating site


A TEENAGE restaurant worker left a man he met on a dating website covered in blood after trying to murder him in his own home.

Gubair Boshir, 19, grabbed his victim in a choke hold before attacking him with a knife and inflicting eight stab wounds.

Sentencing at Cardiff Crown Court, Judge Eleri Rees said: “This was a ferocious attack with intent to kill.”

The court heard the incident occurred at the victim’s flat in Cardiff in the early hours of Saturday, May 6.

Michael Jones, prosecutin­g, said the victim – who cannot be named for legal reasons – met Boshir on a dating website for gay men called Fab Guys.

Prosecutor­s said the defendant went to the man’s home after he finished work around 1am. Mr Jones said: “As soon as he walked in he grabbed the victim in a choke hold, wrapping both arms around his throat.

“The victim struggled and grabbed his arms, trying to breathe. He was losing strength and fell to his knees.”

The court heard Boshir told him: “Just go to sleep.”

Prosecutor­s said the complainan­t saw Boshir holding a knife with a five-inch blade and felt a “sharp pain” in his back, then in his chest and face.

Boshir, from Merches Gardens in Cardiff, admitted theft and attempted murder on a basis of plea, which was rejected by the judge during a trial of issue.

Harry Baker, defending, said his client was “still a very young man” and argued there was an indication of remorse.

A psychiatri­c report found Boshir presented a high risk of harm to gay men and he was jailed for 17 years and eight months.

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