Western Mail

Mixed messages from Labour over second Brexit vote


SENIOR Labour figures have clashed over whether there should be a second referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union.

Deputy leader Tom Watson was seemingly at odds with shadow home secretary Diane Abbott on the need for a second poll.

Speaking on BBC Radio 5 Live’s Pienaar’s Politics Mr Watson said “you shouldn’t rule anything out” when in “complex negotiatio­ns”.

His comments came after shadow home secretary Diane Abbott told BBC One’s The Andrew Marr Show that “the Labour Party doesn’t support a second referendum”.

Mr Watson said: “We’ve not said we want a second referendum, what we actually want is a negotiated settlement. The point about the vote this week was we don’t want power to be taken away from unelected bureaucrat­s in Brussels, as the debate went in the referendum, to be given to the executive or unelected bureaucrat­s in Whitehall. We want Parliament to have a say on it.”

When pushed on whether Labour would rule out a second referendum he said: “When you’re in complex negotiatio­ns on behalf of the nation you shouldn’t rule anything out. What I am trying to say to you, I don’t think it is likely at all, it would be more likely that we try and renegotiat­e the deal should Parliament reject it.”

Shadow internatio­nal trade secretary Barry Gardiner said that Labour would “honour the referendum result”.

He said: “The Labour Party has not said that we will have a second referendum...but we last week got a final vote for Parliament on the deal. That is the democratic guarantee that now is there because of Labour MPs and 11 Conservati­ves joining with us.”

Mr Gardiner said after Brexit the UK had to remain “closely aligned with our major trading partner” – the EU – which could mean continued membership of the single market.

He told Sky News’ Sunday with Niall Paterson: “We haven’t swept either the single market or a customs union off the table. We are not fixated on the structures, what we want are the benefits.”

Shadow justice secretary Richard Burgon said: “Labour isn’t calling for a second referendum.”

Immigratio­n Minister Brandon Lewis said: “Today confirmed Labour’s approach to Brexit is a shambles.”

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable said: “What Tom Watson said on not ruling out a referendum is encouragin­g and a tacit acknowledg­ment that this is what the British public increasing­ly wants.”

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