Western Mail

Communicat­ion lessons that firms can learn from


HINDSIGHT is a wonderful thing, but there are probably several brands and organisati­ons worldwide wondering what could have happened if they’d paid closer attention to their communicat­ions this year.

There’s no question we’ve witnessed some valuable public relations lessons during the past 12 months – some stemming from positive situations, others from less positive ones. As 2017 draws to a close, I thought it would be interestin­g to take a closer look at a few of them.

Lesson 1: When faced with a crisis, take responsibi­lity

In April footage emerged of a United Airlines passenger being dragged off one of its flights, bloody and screaming, to make room for a crew member.

The video went viral, prompting airline CEO, Oscar Munoz, to apologise for having to “re-accommodat­e” passengers. Many felt his apology lacked sincerity, not helped by an internal letter that quickly went public, in which he defended staff and described the passenger, 69-year-old Dr David Dao, as “disruptive and belligeren­t”.

The company’s market value dropped and Munoz issued yet more apologies, pledging to review the incident and change the overbookin­g system. But the damage had been done.

This PR disaster highlights the importance of saying sorry and meaning it. Say it once, say it well and say it sooner rather than later.

Lesson 2: Understand your audience

Remember that ill-fated ad Pepsi released in April this year, featuring reality TV star and model Kendall Jenner? To recap, in the film Jenner gives a white police officer attending a protest a can of Pepsi, which he accepts with a smile to cheers from protestors.

Many felt the ad was tone-deaf, trivialisi­ng the important messaging of recent protest movements such as Black Lives Matter and the Women’s March. Within two days, Pepsi had pulled the ad and issued an apology.

Ill-judged on several fronts, the ad is likely to be used for many years as an example of why you shouldn’t use celebritie­s to co-opt a political issue for your own profit. Faking a stand on issues rarely comes across as sincere, and using a celebrity only reaps rewards when they’re the right fit for the right message. Lesson 3: Trust is key Sean Spicer’s ill-fated role as White House Press Secretary this year serves as a reminder to all PR profession­als of the importance of maintainin­g trust and credibilit­y.

Spicer’s tenure started with an angry attack on journalist­s. He claimed they had deliberate­ly minimised the turnout for President Trump’s inaugurati­on – despite photograph­ic evidence supporting reporters’ claims.

President Trump’s counsellor, Kellyanne Conway, later defended Spicer’s comments, saying he had given “alternativ­e facts” – a phrase that went on to launch a thousand memes.

PR profession­als know that if people don’t trust what you are saying, it undermines both you and your messaging. As Spicer discovered, ignore this at your peril.

Lesson 4: Pictures are still worth a thousand words

In April a photograph of Saffiyah Khan smiling in the face of an angry English Defence League (EDL) protestor in Birmingham city centre went viral. The image was taken by Joe Giddens, a Press Associatio­n photograph­er, was seen by many to represent resistance in the face of those promoting far-right views.

Despite heavy police presence and widespread political condemnati­on of the protests, it was this image that dominated headlines.

Saffiyah, then 20, said the photo was taken after she stepped in to defend Saira Zafar, who was dressed in a hijab and found herself surrounded by protesters, after she called them racists.

The subsequent interest from media worldwide helped launch Saffiyah’s new career as a left-wing activist. Proof, if we needed it, that the power of the photo remains king.

Lesson five: Social media remains a powerful platform for positive change

In the wake of revelation­s this October about Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein’s conduct came #MeToo, a global social media movement started by women who had experience­d sexual assault and harassment.

First tweeted by actor Alyssa Milano, #MeToo quickly gathered pace, with countless men and women worldwide summoning the strength to use it (or a variation) to share their own experience­s.

Those who stepped forward, referred to as ‘the silence breakers,’ have since been named Person of the Year by Time magazine. The magazine attributed the award not just to the women who sparked the movement but to the many women and men who have since broken their silence and, in doing so, given other survivors worldwide the courage to do likewise – uplifting evidence of social media’s continued capacity to empower and assert change.

There have been many interestin­g lessons over the past year but they all come back to one salient take-away – never underestim­ate the need for a strong communicat­ions and public relations strategy.

Angharad Neagle is group managing director of Freshwater UK

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 ??  ?? > Saffiyah Khan, left, faces down English Defence League (EDL) protester Ian Crossland during a demonstrat­ion in Birmingham in April
> Saffiyah Khan, left, faces down English Defence League (EDL) protester Ian Crossland during a demonstrat­ion in Birmingham in April

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