Western Mail

May and cabinet have betrayed the voters


I WAS one of the majority of voters who voted for the UK to leave the European Union in the June 2016 referendum.

I did so for three key reasons. First, here in Brentwood Essex, where my family and I have lived for more than three decades, we have witnessed the relentless influx of immigrants, both legal and illegal, via the EU, which has pushed our infrastruc­ture (roads, hospitals, schools, housing etc) to breaking point, like so many other places in the UK.

Second, I am sick of seeing UK sovereignt­y being eroded and bypassed by unelected and overpaid politician­s and bureaucrat­s in Brussels. The UK originally joined the European Common Market in the 1970s as a trading block, and not some form of political European USA, which the EU has stealthily been morphing into.

Third, having done many years of independen­t research on the objectives of the global elite and their secret conference­s, such as the Bilderberg meetings, I concluded that political union of Europe was a huge piece of their jigsaw, and an enormous step closer to finally achieving their goal of one-world government, with just one police force, one army, one global currency etc.

The decision of the UK majority in June 2016 was an important blow for continuing human liberty and freedom, and avoiding the reality of the elite’s Orwellian dream.

Now, I am very worried because Theresa the Appeaser and her incompeten­t cabinet appear to have given in to almost every whim demanded from Brussels in return for supposed cessation from this vile union.

The sum of £40bn is a ridiculous ransom for exiting, when that hardearned money could do so much good at home in the NHS etc, but of course all the scaremonge­rs are hard at work warning us that if we don’t have access to the European single market etc, it’s all over for poor old Britain.

Utter nonsense, of course, as we all saw, with our economy booming after the original vote despite similar dire warnings!

Sadly, however, May and her incompeten­ts appear clueless. As Nigel Farage succinctly reminded us recently, “17.4million people did not vote for a large exit fee, did not vote for the European Court of Justice to go on having a say over this country, and most certainly did not vote – and this is the next thing coming up – for a transition deal that will probably last until the next General Election.”

May and her cabinet have betrayed the British majority, and we now potentiall­y remain hostage to the boozy despot Jean Claude –Juncker and his fat-cat Brussels cronies indefinite­ly.

Most worryingly, as a consequenc­e, in Brentwood, Bridgend, Birmingham and Bangor, the number of immigrants will continue to completely overwhelm our infrastruc­ture, while we pay Brussels billions for the privilege!

R Terry James Brentwood, Essex

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