Western Mail



to his team than Ronaldo did to Portugal.

That is not to dilute or play down Ronaldo’s influence or not see what an unbelievab­le player he is and what he is capable of. I could certainly see that.

However, at that time, I just felt Gareth could do everything for the team. He was working hard defensivel­y and getting things done in an attacking sense, proving a real team player.

Ronaldo had those qualities as well but I was convinced – based on their performanc­es in the tournament – that Gareth was slightly edging it.

So, for me, that meant we had a really good chance.” (UNFORTUNAT­ELY, despite Bale’s brilliant efforts, Ronaldo won the day for Portugal. Wales were out, the players utterly dejected... then their captain spoke and spirits were instantly lifted again.)

“Gareth was trying absolutely everything. He was coming back and getting the ball off Wayne and just taking it up the pitch and trying to make things happen. Portugal were so good at defending and keeping clean sheets that they stopped us playing.

As the minutes petered away, we were starting to think, ‘This is it’. This is the end of the fairytale. So near, but yet so far.

It was that grey kit again! We don’t seem to have much luck in that one, and grey was probably how the mood felt as the game drifted away.

Then came the final whistle. That was it. The end of our story. It was difficult to take in.

We went over to the fans and had our usual huddle. Ash was again in the middle, and he gave us some really powerful words.

‘Don’t be disappoint­ed,’ he began. ‘Don’t be upset. You have to enjoy this moment. This is such a momentous time for Welsh football and this achievemen­t will inspire the next generation. We are the ones who have created history and none of us should be down or gutted.

‘Even though it is hard to take, we have reached the semi-finals of a major tournament and this isn’t a time to sulk. Enjoy the next few days, make the most of it. It is a special time.’

It was a stirring speech. In keeping with everything over the previous six weeks. Ash, our captain, had summed it up perfectly yet again. We turned, linked arms and said thank you to the fans.

We just didn’t want to leave the pitch, and it looked like the fans didn’t want to leave the stadium. Neither wanting this amazing adventure to end.

We had gone further than any of us really expected.

Like Ash, the gaffer told us to make sure we enjoyed the following few days. Don’t let it pass you by. Savour it, including the return to Cardiff, which we already sensed would be something of a celebratio­n. ‘Stay together,’ he said, wanting us to share in the achievemen­t and share the moment.

Be proud. Each and every one of us.

There was plenty of emotion as the gaffer spoke. No one was breaking down in tears, but there were a fair few lumps in throats.”


Edwards: “It took ages to get through arrivals with so many fans there to greet us.

As we left the arrivals building we headed for the coach, then smiled broadly as we saw that our bus had been emblazoned with FAW artwork and the word ‘Diolch’ down the side. It was a great touch and lifted our spirits even higher.

The journey from Cardiff Airport towards Cardiff Castle takes you through a few small villages close to Barry, and as we drove through every little village there were hundreds of fans waiting for us, and the traffic islands and mini-roundabout­s towards the M4 had been named after different players: Joe Ledley, Ashley Williams, the gaffer.

How thoughtful. How special. It was a shame that the blacked out windows of the coach meant that the people lining the route couldn’t see us, but I can assure them that we could see them – the flags, the banners – and really appreciate­d their support.

It was wonderful to see. Together Stronger – never can there have been two truer words, and that fantastic backing not only helped make the experience what it was, it drove us to the last four.

What a summer it was. An unbelievab­le experience and, just as the song said, we really didn’t want to go home.”

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