Western Mail

Initiative leads the way in cancer research

Nearly 20,000 people in Wales are told they have cancer each year. Here, Cancer Research Wales highlights how the charity is aiming to improve outcomes for these patients


CANCER Research Wales has risen to the critical challenge of early cancer diagnosis in Wales, and over the past two years alone has invested more than £1.25m in this area.

The problem is being tackled on two fronts in the form of population and laboratory-based studies to find the most effective ways to diagnose more people, more efficientl­y and at the earliest point possible.

Breakthrou­ghs in research and improvemen­ts in service delivery now mean that more people survive cancer than ever before.

However, there is still much to be done as internatio­nal tables demonstrat­e that, when it comes to survivorsh­ip, Wales, like the rest of the UK, lags behind many other nations with similar healthcare systems, with late diagnosis thought to be a major reason.

Recent data published by the Wales Cancer Intelligen­ce and Surveillan­ce Unit show that more than half of Wales’ most common cancers are unfortunat­ely diagnosed at a late stage when they are more difficult to treat, manage and cure.

Many complex issues contribute to late diagnosis, ranging from patients who may be unaware of cancer symptoms, to someone who delays visiting their GP due to not wanting to trouble their doctor.

Similarly, due to the overlap of cancer symptoms with many other prevalent, less serious conditions, a number of GP visits may be required before a patient is finally referred to secondary care for necessary tests.

Even then, delays within the hospital setting can add to the time taken before a diagnosis is eventually made.

The fact that around 90% of patients will first visit their GP with cancer-related symptoms underlines the significan­t role that primary care has in cancer diagnosis and highlights the crucial need for research into early diagnosis.

Through funding from Cancer Research Wales, the North Wales Centre for Primary Care Research is undertakin­g a major five-year study which will seek to identify the current barriers to early cancer diagnosis in primary care.

This “Think-Cancer” initiative will explore perceived cancer knowledge and levels of confidence, readiness to refer, adherence to NICE guidelines, and the learning styles and preference­s of GPs as they relate to cancer.

As large inequaliti­es exist across Wales with respect to cancer incidence and mortality, the influence of practice demographi­cs and social factors will also be examined.

The study hopes to design interventi­onal tools that will better help GPs diagnose cancer in these areas, while adding to the evidence base.

In other areas, Cancer Research Wales is funding the developmen­t of much-needed blood tests to help GPs quickly diagnose some common cancers with greater accuracy than ever before, in an effort to transform GP surgeries into diagnostic centres of excellence for cancer.

One test, developed by Professor Dean Harris and Professor Peter Dunston at Swansea University, uses a laser of light shone through a small volume of blood taken from the arm, to capture the unique and specific molecular fingerprin­t that bowel cancers leave in the blood.

Early studies have shown a single blood test of this kind can detect bowel cancers with accuracy close to that of colonoscop­y.

With further funding, the study will be expanded to recruit patients from hospitals in south Wales and from participat­ing GP surgeries along the M4 corridor, in order to assess the discrimina­tory power of the blood test in distinguis­hing between bowel cancers at different stages of disease, and from other common gastrointe­stinal problems that present with similar symptoms. The technology platform will also be expanded to include other hard-todetect cancer types such as pancreatic cancer.

Professor Gareth Jenkins, also at Swansea University, is working on another blood-based test, this time for oesophagea­l cancer.

This test, known as the cancer smoke detector test, works by detecting mutated proteins – “the smoke” – expressed on the outside of red blood cells which reveal the presence of cancer – “the fire” – existing somewhere in the body.

Both these tests, in addition to other research into similar diagnosis tests, have the amazing potential to transform the main referral pathways for cases of suspected cancer and possibly refine cancer referrals to one-stop diagnostic centres which are currently being trialled at two centres right now in Wales.

Current pathways, in Wales and nationwide, are too long and complicate­d, and only one in 10 patients that enter via the urgent referral pathway will turn out to have cancer.

This causes great anxiety in patients, puts a strain on resources and comes at great expense.

It is estimated that negative findings from investigat­ive endoscopy of the bowel and oesophagus have an annual global cost of over £3bn to health care systems, suggesting that research into early diagnosis is now more vital than ever in the fight against cancer.

The early diagnosis research projects that Cancer Research Wales leads seek to streamline the referral process, saving unnecessar­y worry, resources, time, money and ultimately lives.

Wales is leading the way in early diagnosis research, with these types of tests being at a more advanced stage of developmen­t than similar tests also being developed globally.

Cancer Research Wales is extremely grateful to the generosity of the people of Wales, whose continued support ensures that world-class research can take place closer to home.

Their support helps to not only fund promising early diagnosis research projects and tests, but also enables them to continue to be a major force in the discovery of better treatments and progress towards cures.

 ??  ?? > Cancer Research Wales explains
> Cancer Research Wales explains
 ??  ?? the pioneering work going on in Wales to tackle the disease
the pioneering work going on in Wales to tackle the disease

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