Western Mail



“As a symbol of society’s damaging addiction to single-use plastics and our throwaway culture, straws are hard to beat. If they did not exist, there would be scant reason to invent them”

– Environmen­t Secretary Michael Gove hinting he might ban plastic straws after Brexit.

“I’m really excited to be doing a show where I don’t have to wear a bra”

– Mrs Brown’s Boys star Brendan O’Carroll on his new role as a quiz show host.

“I can gauge my core audience, I can gauge newer fans, I know when to play on certain emotions when I’m on that stage. That’s just all experience. I give them the credit for that because I’ve been booed before”

– Hip-hop star Kendrick Lamar,


“With heavy heart, I am today tendering my resignatio­n to Unicef as deputy executive director. I want to make clear I am not resigning from Unicef because of the mistakes I made at Save the Children. There is no doubt in my mind that some of the coverage around me is not just to (rightly) hold me to account, but also to attempt to do serious damage to our cause and the case for aid”

– Justin Forsyth.

“Although we think of Ancient Greece quite rightly in some respects as a wonderful, free democratic place, it had a rigid view about excluding those people whose body forms didn’t fit - woe betide the elderly or the fat or the flabby”

– Classicist Mary Beard.

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