Western Mail


- DAVID WILLIAMSON Political editor david.williamson@walesonlin­e.co.uk

TWELVE months ahead of leaving the EU, the launch of a recruitmen­t drive for an extra 1,000 Border Force staff has fuelled fears that Brexit will trigger new checks at Welsh ports that could delay trade and travel.

The Home Office has been handed an extra £395m for Brexit preparatio­ns in 2018-19 and expects to have 1,300 additional border staff in place by the end of the transition period in December 2020.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd said it was “highly likely” that some will be based in Wales.

She said: “They will be placed across the country. We need to make sure that every area is made secure.”

Cardiff South and Penarth Labour MP Stephen Doughty took this as a signal that a “hard border” will be put in place between Wales and the Republic of Ireland once the UK leaves the EU.

First Minister Carwyn Jones warned last month that “70% of freight from Ireland to the UK comes through Welsh ports” and there are concerns that Brexit could lead to the launch of more direct shipping routes between the Republic and the EU, dealing an economic blow to Holyhead and other Welsh ports.

Mr Doughty said: “The revelation­s by the Home Secretary today that potentiall­y hundreds of new Border Force and customs officers could be deployed to Welsh ports suggests that the government is very much preparing for a hard border between Wales and the Republic of Ireland while all the major questions on the future status of the Irish-Northern Irish border remain unresolved.

“As has been repeatedly said by Welsh and Scottish MPs, and indeed the Welsh and Scottish government­s, it would be unacceptab­le for there to be a situation where there was effectivel­y no border on the island of Ireland and instead a maritime border down the middle of the Irish Sea. It is clear that the government is preparing for this scenario and the consequenc­es for Welsh businesses, ports and individual­s travelling to and from Wales and Ireland could be potentiall­y serious.”

Home Secretary Ms Rudd – when challenged by Mr Doughty – said she was “not saying” there will be a hard border between Wales and the Republic and insisted “there has been no decision on the border arrangemen­ts yet”.

Britain is due to leave the EU on this day next year and Theresa May will today visit each UK nation “to hear from people across our country what Brexit means to them”. After having lunch with farmers near Belfast she will go to Barry to meet people from Welsh businesses.

With a nod to controvers­y over whether any powers in devolved areas such as agricultur­e should go to the Assembly or be held at Westminste­r until pan-UK arrangemen­ts can be agreed, she said: “Each of the devolved nations will see an increase in their decisionma­king powers. Make no mistake, this government is absolutely committed to the devolution settlement­s as we have demonstrat­ed beyond question with landmark pieces of legislatio­n over the last few years.”

However, First Minister Carwyn Jones said Mrs May had yet to explain what kind of relationsh­ip with Brussels she wants after the transition period, even though more than 20 months have passed since the referendum.

He said: “There still seems to be no agreement at the heart of Whitehall on the kind of post-Brexit relationsh­ip with the EU they want... If the government does not budge from its ‘red lines’, we face the prospect of a future relationsh­ip with the EU-27 which will do serious damage to our economy.”

Ian Price, director of CBI Wales, warned that “for business the picture remains too hazy”.

He said: “Urgent progress on the final deal by October is needed to give business the confidence and certainty they need to plan for the future.”

Welsh Conservati­ve leader Andrew RT Davies was confident that a solution to the issues surroundin­g Northern Ireland’s border could be found.

He said: “The Prime Minister has been clear that we are not going to let our departure from the European Union do anything to set back the historic pro-

gress that we have made in Northern Ireland. Only last Thursday when visiting the Irish Parliament, I was struck by how optimistic key figures in the Emerald Isle were on the ability for both sides to deliver a solution in relation to the border.”

Plaid Cymru’s Brexit spokesman, Steffan Lewis, said: “Westminste­r’s Withdrawal Bill will reverse devolution and take important responsibi­lities away from the directly elected National Assembly and into the hands of appointed ministers in Whitehall...

“[The] National Assembly has made it very clear that we will resort to legislatin­g to protect ourselves from Westminste­r’s power grab... The Continuity Bill will simply ensure that all powers in devolved areas will remain devolved after Brexit.

“Theresa May needs to use her visit to Wales to reassure our citizens that the Continuity Bill will be respected, and that it won’t be challenged in the courts by Westminste­r.”

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 ??  ?? > There are concerns over delays at Welsh ports when the UK leaves the EU – in one year’s time
> There are concerns over delays at Welsh ports when the UK leaves the EU – in one year’s time

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