Western Mail



“We have a very special relationsh­ip; in fact, I’ll get that little piece of dandruff off. We have to make him perfect – he is perfect”

President Trump performs an unwelcome act of grooming on French President Emmanuel Macron during their White House summit.

“Short of shooting the damn things down, what are you going to do about it?”

– Tory MP Giles Watling demanding Government action over drones dropping drugs into prisons.

“If kids are constantly being targeted with cheap, easily accessible, unhealthy junk food, just think how hard it must be to make better, healthier choices. We have to make it easier for children to make good decisions”

– TV chef Jamie Oliver calling for a 9pm watershed on junk food

advertisin­g on television “This year I do feel the spirit of the suffragett­es is with us and we’re speaking out about women being treated badly around the world. That said, I am terrified that all men are seen as bad. I love and respect men. I am married to one, I work with some wonderful men and I have a son”

– Actress Joanna Lumley, pictured.

“The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given was from my mother, and it was, ‘You must preserve your mystique. So don’t shave your legs in front of your partner, don’t wear your horriblest old knickers, and remain tremendous­ly alluring always”

– Broadcaste­r Vanessa Feltz.

“Obviously, I try to look as nice as I can – and, of course, I’d love to look 20 years younger – but I don’t and never will. I am not staying young, nobody does. I am getting old because you do get old. That’s life”

– Actress Dame Helen Mirren, 72.

“Overweight has become average and overeating has become normal” – River Cottage chef, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingst­all.

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