Western Mail

Ex-minister calls for probe into spending by Remain campaign


FORMER cabinet minister Priti Patel has called for the election watchdog to investigat­e spending by the Remain campaign in the European Union referendum.

The Brexit-backing Tory questioned the impartiali­ty of the Electoral Commission and said it should either investigat­e Britain Stronger in Europe or end its probe into the victorious Vote Leave campaign.

Her complaint follows claims relating to a video featuring Pirates of the Caribbean star Keira Knightley urging people to vote.

The video was published on the Britain Stronger in Europe website and Facebook page in the final days before the vote in 2016, the Sunday Telegraph reported.

The clip featuring Knightley was produced by an advertisin­g agency – along with a series also featuring designer Dame Vivienne Westwood and model Lily Cole – at a total cost of more than £76,000.

The Don’t F*** My Future videos were reported to have been commission­ed by other campaign groups, but Ms Patel said she had “deep concerns” about collusion between Remainsupp­orting organisati­ons which may have allowed the official Britain Stronger in Europe campaign to breach the strict £7m spending limit.

In a letter to the Electoral Commission, Ms Patel said: “I am sure you share my deep concerns that Britain Stronger in Europe seems to have been provided with services by other Remain campaigns without declaring expenditur­e in the appropriat­e way.”

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> Priti Patel

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