Western Mail

Driver screamed for help after high-speed car chase


A FATHER left a motorist “screaming for police” after a high-speed pursuit fuelled by “hunger” and tiredness, a court has heard.

Former John Lewis employee Mohammed Sheikh, 27, has been described as acting like an “American-style police officer” after pulling dramatical­ly in front of a car after a bout of road rage.

On Friday Cardiff Crown Court heard that Sheikh had been fasting during Ramadan in May last year when he became “irritated” by a fellow motorist on Shirley Road and Lake Road West in Cardiff.

The father of one then began a “high” speed chase, before ordering the motorist out of the car and “kicking” the vehicle.

Sentencing Sheikh, Judge Geraint Walter said: “You pulled in front of the car pretending to be some sort of American-style police officer.

“I do not understand what possessed you to do that.”

The court heard that Sheikh was found guilty of affray, dangerous driving and causing criminal damage by a jury at Swansea Crown Court earlier this month.

Judge Walter said: “You heard the 999 tape to police where the witness was on the phone screaming for police.”

Christophe­r Rees, defending, said Sheikh, of Brandreth Road, Cardiff, had lost his job at the department store as a result of the incident.

During a pre-sentence report Sheikh was described as “tired and hungry”.

Mr Rees said: “He is the sole provider. He lives with his wife and child in the family address owned by his elderly parents.”

Sheikh was given a sixmonth sentence suspended for a year. He was also ordered to undertake 180 hours of unpaid work and pay £250.

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