Western Mail


Director Ari Aster masterfull­y stokes the tension as thriller suggests family is being haunted by their secretive recently deceased gran


MODERN horror films seldom prioritise nerve-shredding suspense – the kind of creeping dread that sends beads of sweat trickling down your spine and haunts your waking dreams.

Instead, we’re spoon-fed a familiar diet of senseless slaughter and jump scares.

The last film to achieve that high-wire act of sustained tension was Robert Eggers’s supernatur­al thriller, The Witch.

Writer-director Ari Aster’s twisted family portrait comes close to repeating the feat, only to descend into madness with a loopy final act that will sharply divide and perplex audiences who have been biting their nails down to the cuticle for the previous 90 minutes.

Hereditary performs a cinematic striptease, holding our gaze (even when we want to look away) by peeling away the layers of darkness and deceit that condemn one grief-stricken family to a grim fate.

It’s a masterclas­s in terror titillatio­n, choreograp­hed to a discomfiti­ng orchestral score by composer Colin Stetson and unsettling sound effects like a teenage girl repeatedly clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

Like all striptease­s, Ari Aster’s horror thriller ultimately has to bare all, and when the film performs its big reveal we realise we have seen this story many times before.

Miniaturis­t artist Annie Graham (Toni Collette) is deeply affected by the death of her estranged mother, who cast a long shadow over the family and took Annie’s daughter Charlie (Milly Shapiro) under her wing.

Following the secretive matriarch’s funeral, Annie begins to sense a presence in the family home and her erratic behaviour causes grave concern for husband Steve (Gabriel Byrne) and teenage son Peter (Alex Wolff ).

In desperatio­n, Annie turns to a grief support group where she meets a local woman called Joan (Ann Dowd), who has suffered her own recent loss. Joan sweetly suggests Annie could conduct a seance to forge a connection to her mother’s lingering spirit.

As the disturbanc­es within the Graham family home increase in frequency, Annie makes a bold decision that has terrifying repercussi­ons for her loved ones.

Hereditary slowly tightens a knot of discomfort, heightened by a bravura lead performanc­e from Collette, who turns silent screams into an artform.

Aster demonstrat­es a flair for sadistic mind games and slow-burn shocks. The resolution is an anticlimax after the film has spent more than an hour dragging the narrative’s nails down a blackboard. However, Aster does engineer creepy moments, one of which made me audibly gasp.

My gob was well and truly smacked by this unusual horror.

 ??  ?? Toni Collette conveys the creeping horror Milly Shapiro, Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne and Alex Wolff are left wondering whether they are being haunted by their mysterious relative Cheap ‘boo’ scares are eschewed in favour of slow-building tension
Toni Collette conveys the creeping horror Milly Shapiro, Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne and Alex Wolff are left wondering whether they are being haunted by their mysterious relative Cheap ‘boo’ scares are eschewed in favour of slow-building tension

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