Western Mail

Exploring the links between childhood trauma and mental illness

A major study has looked at the impact of traumatic life events during childhood on mental health later in life. Here, Public Health Wales takes us through the latest findings.


People who have experience­d abuse, neglect and other adverse childhood experience­s (ACEs) such as living with domestic violence during their childhood are at much greater risk of mental illness throughout life.

Findings from a new national study across Wales found adults who had suffered four or more types of ACEs were almost 10 times more likely to have felt suicidal or self-harmed than those who had experience­d none.

The study by Public Health Wales and Bangor University also found that some basic community measures help build resilience which can help protect individual­s from developing the mental health problems that ACEs can cause.

Results show that the more ACEs people suffered the greater their risk of mental illness throughout life.

The number having ever had treatment for a mental illness increased from 23% of those with no ACEs to 64% of those with four or more. For ever having felt suicidal or selfharmed, the rise was from 6% to 39%.

Developing resilience through access to a trusted adult in childhood, supportive friends, and being engaged in community activities, such as sports, reduced the risks of developing mental illness, even in those who experience­d high levels of ACEs.

Overall, having supportive friends, opportunit­ies for community participat­ion, people to look up to and other sources of resilience in childhood more than halved current mental illness in adults with four or more ACEs from 29% to 14%, and ever having felt suicidal or self-harmed from 39% to 17%.

Participat­ion in sports both as a child and adult was a further source of resilience to mental illness, with being in current treatment for mental illness reducing from 23% in adults that did not regularly participat­e in sports to 12% in those that did.

Professor Mark Bellis, director of policy, research and internatio­nal developmen­t for Public Health Wales, said: “Around one in eight adults in Wales experience­d high levels of ACEs such as abuse, neglect and domestic violence in childhood.

“This study shows how such childhoods can affect the mental health of individual­s throughout their lives.

“However, our results also suggest that communitie­s providing opportunit­ies to engage and develop skills, treating children fairly and offering good role models may help protect individual­s from some of the harmful longterm impacts of abusive homes. For too many people in Wales, ACEs are still part of childhood and a burden that some carry with them throughout life.

“Public sector organisati­ons across Wales are already working together to reduce the number of children who suffer ACEs.

“By also cooperatin­g on how we build fair and supportive communitie­s we can increase levels of resilience in children and adults and ensure those who suffered ACEs can avoid many of their health harming consequenc­es.”

Lead author, Professor Karen Hughes, said: “ACEs increase risks of mental illness, and resilience resources reduce them.

“Sadly, people who suffer ACEs are often doubly affected as they typically have fewer sources of resilience available at home, and can have more difficulty accessing such resources in the community.

“Preventing ACEs is a critical part of improving mental health in Wales, but making sure vulnerable individual­s who continue to be affected by ACEs can build resilience will also contribute to the prevention of mental illness.”

Huw Irranca-Davies, the Welsh Government Minister for Children and Social Care, said: “The experience­s we have in childhood, good and bad, are instrument­al in determinin­g our life outcomes.

“Providing a safe and nurturing environmen­t is the best way to ensure a child will become a healthier and happier adult; and one who will be able to go on to achieve their potential.

“The evidence is very clear. Those who experience poor quality and stressful childhoods are more likely to have poor life outcomes; and the more ACEs encountere­d, the greater the threat posed.

“The Public Health Wales study clearly demonstrat­es the scale of the challenge. ACEs are a tangible threat to the health and wellbeing, social and economic prosperity of individual­s, communitie­s and the country as a whole. This is why we have made tackling ACEs a crossgover­nment commitment.

“The Welsh Government is unable to tackle ACEs alone. It is vitally important for those supporting children and families to become ACE aware. That’s why I’m pleased we have been able to support Cymru Well Wales to establish the ACE Support Hub, which will have an important role in helping individual­s, communitie­s and organisati­ons become ACE informed in their work.”

Sarah Powell, chief executive of Sport Wales, said: “This is more compelling evidence on the wider benefits of sport and physical recreation.

“We know that around half the Welsh population participat­e regularly in sport, bringing positive aspects to their lives that include better physical and mental health, as well as enhanced social opportunit­ies, confidence and many other aspects that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

“What we need to focus on now is breaking down the barriers to sport and physical recreation for those people that are not yet benefiting. Once we start tackling those issues then we can start to unlock a really healthy future for Wales.”

ACEs are traumatic experience­s that occur before the age of 18. These experience­s range from verbal, mental and physical abuse, to being exposed to alcoholism, drug use and domestic violence at home.

The Welsh Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) and Resilience Survey was undertaken to examine individual and community factors that may offer protection from the harmful impacts of ACEs on health, wellbeing and prosperity across the life course.

Data was collected between March and June 2017 in face-to-face interviews with a Welsh sample of 2,005 18 to 69-year-olds, and a boost sample of 492 residents in areas with higher levels of spoken Welsh language.

The new report was published at the launch of a new multi-agency Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Support Hub in Llandudno on January 18.

The hub will help organisati­ons and communitie­s across Wales to discover more about ACEs and their impacts, and to understand what action they can take to become more ACE-informed.

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 ??  ?? > Adverse childhood experience­s can affect the mental health of individual­s throughout their lives © NSPCC Photograph
> Adverse childhood experience­s can affect the mental health of individual­s throughout their lives © NSPCC Photograph

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