Western Mail

How Tanya’s help has been a lifeline for Avis

Loneliness and social isolation is a growing problem among the elderly population. But volunteers are proving to be a lifeline for these people, as Age Connects Cardiff and the Vale explains


TAKE a moment to imagine yourself sitting alone at home for days on end with only the television as a source of compa- ny.

It can be a terribly frightenin­g experience and can leave you vulnerable to mental health problems.

Sadly this problem is getting worse as the UK population continues to age at a rapid pace, with the number of people aged 65 and over growing by nearly half in the past 30 years

There are too many lonely and isolated older people in our communitie­s who are alone facing the uncertaint­ies that old age often brings without family or friends to help.

They are particular­ly vulnerable to social isolation or loneliness owing to loss of friends and family, mobility or income.

This is where local charity Age Connects Cardiff and the Vale, and the Community Volunteer Support Programme, can offer a lifeline.

The Age Connects Community Volunteer Support Programme delivers volunteer-led activities that provide practical and emotional support for older people living across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

The community volunteers help people to keep connected through visits for a cuppa and a chat and outings getting to the shops or to appointmen­ts.

This wonderful story of Tanya Johnson and Avis Holmes illustrate­s perfectly how vital and beneficial the programme can be.

Age Connects volunteer Tanya, 52, explains: “I approached Age Connects after seeing an advert online asking for volunteers to help in their local community.

“I work full-time but the option of being able to give my time flexibly meant I may have a few hours to spare.

“I was put in touch with a lady called Avis. Avis, who’s 82, had sadly lost a friend who was taking her shopping, and she was managing by asking other friends for help.

“Avis was unable to do her shopping herself due to lack of transport and mobility due to her arthritis. She uses a crutch to aid her walking so can’t carry her shopping bags at the same time.

“Depending on what Avis needs each week, we will get some shopping and catch up over a cup of tea afterwards. We have such a good relationsh­ip and I always look forward to seeing her.”

Avis, 83, from Splott, Cardiff, is equally thrilled with how successful her relationsh­ip with Tanya has been.

She beams as she explains: “My friend was helping me with my shopping, but sadly she passed away.

“I had other friends who I could ask for shopping. but I didn’t want to keep relying on everyone. My friends are getting older too, and I was worrying about having food in should a friend not be well enough one week.

“I contacted Age Connects. I was put in touch with Tanya – she pops in and takes me shopping. It has been a lifeline and has given me peace of mind.

“I wouldn’t be without her now and if I need any other informatio­n I know I can ask her. If Tanya doesn’t know she always finds out for me.”

Volunteers are the cornerston­e of Age Connects Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

They play a vital role in everything we do and we value their contributi­on and commitment. Without them, our charity could not make the tremendous difference it does to the lives of older people in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

What’s more, volunteeri­ng with and for others increases social interactio­n and helps build a support system based on common commitment and interests – both of which have been shown to decrease depression.

Both parties benefit massively from volunteeri­ng as one of our long-standing volunteers

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