Western Mail

‘Reckless’ driver sped on wrong side of road


A “RECKLESS” driver sped on the wrong side of the road straight at a police car through a busy residentia­l street where children often play.

Damien Luce had a previous conviction for dangerous driving.

Sentencing him at Cardiff Crown Court, Judge Tom Crowther QC said: “You have innumerabl­e previous conviction­s for driving offences.”

The court heard a police officer was patrolling the Thornhill area of Cwmbran at around 1.30pm on April 1 when he saw a Daewoo car being driven “recklessly”.

Lowri Wynn Morgan, prosecutin­g, said Luce turned into Trannon Court and drove on the wrong side of the road.

She added: “He drove directly towards the police car at speed.”

Luce was located and arrested and was on bail when the next set of offences happened on June 10.

Prosecutor­s said an off-duty police officer saw the defendant driving a Ford Ka in Thornhill Road and recognised him as a disqualifi­ed driver.

Ms Wynn Morgan said Luce was caught on CCTV at Morrisons in Cwmbran at 5.25pm on July 1 filling up a Rav 4 with fuel. She told the court: “He drove away without any attempt to pay.”

Luce, 21, from Coed Eva in Cwmbran, admitted dangerous driving and making off without payment. He also admitted three counts of driving while disqualifi­ed and three counts of driving without insurance.

Peter Donnison, defending, said Luce helps to care for his grandfathe­r and asked for credit for his guilty pleas.

Judge Crowther jailed Luce for 10 months and disqualifi­ed him from driving for two years from the time of his release.

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