Western Mail

School worker ‘wanted sex with teenage girls’


A MEMBER of staff at a large comprehens­ive school wanted sex with 13-year-old girls and had a video on his phone of a child as young as five being raped, a court has heard.

Paul James Davies worked as a lab technician at Porthcawl Comprehens­ive, and was also a youth volunteer with St John Ambulance.

Swansea Crown Court heard that Davies was caught in a “sting” operation run by members of an online group called Welsh Children Protectors. Dean Pulling, prosecutin­g, said an adult member of the group establishe­d a fake profile purporting to be a 13-year-old girl on a social media site, and waited for someone to make contact.

In October last year, Davies began to message the profile. The court heard the conversati­on soon became sexual, and that when the decoy reminded 32-year-old Davies of her age “it seemed to spur him on”.

The prosecutor said that over the course of the following weeks Davies talked about meeting the girl, going for drives and described the kinds of sex acts he wanted to perform on the girl – and have her perform on him.

The court heard Davies arranged to meet the person he thought was a teenager on November 10, but failed to turn up – members of the group went to his house instead. Police were called, and officers seized computer equipment, and found a mobile phone under a bush in Davies’ garden, on which was later found three films and hundreds of images.

For each of the image charges Davies, of Forge Road, Porth Talbot, was sentenced to four months in prison, the sentences to run concurrent­ly. For the attempting to incite a child offence he was sentenced to four months to run consecutiv­ely with the other sentences making a total of eight months.

Davies was also made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order to limit his access to children and control his internet use, and will be on the sex offenders register for the same period.

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