Western Mail

‘If you want to be an A* parent, keep your cool on results day


There’s only one thing more nerve-racking than taking exams or waiting for exam results – and that’s watching your children go through it.

With A-level and GCSE results fast approachin­g on August 16 and 23, I have been trying to keep things calm and light back home, where I have teenagers waiting for both.

It’s decades since I did it, but I still recall the hot and cold dread as I tore open the results envelope for both sets of exams.

At the time it feels as if your entire future hinges on printed letters on a slip of paper. You can no longer dive madly between imagining wild success and horrible failure because it’s all about to become real.

A-levels and GCSEs are by far the scariest exams. University finals and work qualificat­ions don’t come anywhere near, because by the time you take those, if you do, you have been hardened by the deep stress of school results.

We hear lots about exam stress but rarely does anyone mention or advise the parents who get stressed when their kids take them.

It seems extravagan­t to complain when the real pressure is on others, but parent exam stress is real nonetheles­s. And it hots up as results day nears.

If you and your teenager have got through the hell of revision and exams managing to still speak to one another in a reasonably civil manner, this week and next may be a good time to gently chat about how you’re both feeling.

Ask them about any worries or fears they have coming up to results day and remind them you love them unconditio­nally, whatever their grades.

This is no time to start reminding them how hard you’ve worked raising them, how much harder it was in your day (it wasn’t) or how they insisted on going to a party when they should have been cramming.

If you can feel friction and tension in the air, try socialisin­g and keeping busy. Anything to keep your minds off results day is good.

If the dreaded day comes and the envelope doesn’t deliver the grades that were hoped for do not, under any circumstan­ces, pass on your panic, worry or disappoint­ment. In fact, try not to feel any of these things. If you do, suppress them.

Repression is a much-needed skill for parents at times like these. Much better to transfer your energies to making reassuring mugs of tea and reminding your teenager that exams aren’t everything.

Here’s a few people you can remind them of: Albert Einstein – dropped out of high school; former Tory Prime Minister Sir John Major – ruled the country on three O-levels [GCSEs] and Sir Richard Branson – also passed just three O-levels; and they all did OK.

These are just a few famous names, but most of us know people who have made a success of their lives and careers without academic qualificat­ions. Most of us also know straight A students who made a hash of things.

If you get to the point where you can whisper the word “re-sit”, remember to take the lead from your teen. Taking an exam again is only a good idea if they really want to and are prepared to put in the work.

Instead they might want to think about all the other things in life they could do – an apprentice­ship, travelling, non-academic qualificat­ions.

Whatever happens on results day make sure you mark it as something special. It’s a watershed moment whatever happens, and the ritual of a meal or just a walk or a cup of coffee together can help lay it to rest , move on or celebrate.

If all has gone well you’ll be cracking open the bubbly, but success can also bring risk. Avoid the temptation to brag about your young genius on social media. No one likes people who brag and you never know when it might come back to slap you in the face if you drone on about how successful you and/or your offspring are.

Trying to find out what grades other people’s teenagers got is also a no-no. If they don’t tell you their results it’s probably because they don’t want them broadcast.

So, if you want an A* as a parent or carer, keep your cool on results day – however hot it gets.

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> ‘A-levels and GCSEs are by far the scariest exams’

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