Western Mail

Outrage after murdered officers’ names burned on Bogside bonfire


THE head of the Prison Service in Northern Ireland has condemned the “disgracefu­l” decision to light a bonfire emblazoned with the names of murdered officers.

The pyre, set alight on Wednesday evening in the Bogside area of Londonderr­y, included references to late police officers Ronan Kerr and Stephen Carroll and prison officers David Black and Adrian Ismay.

Three petrol bombs were also thrown at police near the city’s wallse.

A 35-year-old man was arrested and charged with making, possessing and throwing a petrol bomb and is due to appear in court next month.

Fires are lit at this time of year to mark the anniversar­y of the introducti­on of internment of republican suspects without trial in 1971 and police are treating the incident as a hate crime.

Prison Service director-general Ronnie Armour, in a message to staff, said: “Using the names of our murdered friends and colleagues, and those of PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) colleagues, in this way has caused great hurt and distress to their families, to the Prison Service, and the wider community.”

David Black, 52, was killed by dissident republican­s opposed to the peace process during a motorway drive-by shooting in Co Armagh in 2012.

His son, Kyle, said Wednesday evening’s bonfire-makers were disgusting.

Mr Armour also disclosed messages of support received from Londonderr­y.

One said: “Please accept my sincere apologies for the most disgracefu­l, hurtful and hate-filled scenes that we witnessed last night at the bonfire in the Bogside.”

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