Western Mail

Student almost lost his life after developing pneumonia

- MARK SMITH Health correspond­ent mark.smith@walesonlin­e.co.uk If you would like to donate to the challenge, called Roads to Recovery, go to uk.virginmone­ygiving.com/DavidBoyce­5

WHEN first-year student Tom Boyce was struck down with a severe bout of pneumonia he initially ignored the symptoms and continued to play in a rugby match for Cardiff University.

But the following day the teenager began suffering with terrible exhaustion and breathing problems, and booked a taxi to take him to the University Hospital of Wales (UHW).

Within moments of arriving in accident and emergency the powerful virus took hold of his body and led to his lungs and heart shutting down. “I just remember feeling really drowsy and needing to cough and cough until I got all my phlegm up,” recalled Tom, who first started feeling unwell in October last year.

“I went to play rugby the following day and in the warm-up I had literally no energy. I didn’t know how I was going to manage to play.

“I put it all down to feeling a bit under the weather. I had no idea how ill I was.”

Tom, who played at hooker for the university, said he knew he had to go to hospital when he started coughing up blood.

“I woke up [the day after rugby] and the blood in my phlegm was really orange and my heart was racing,” added the 19-year-old.

“I somehow managed to book myself a taxi and walk to the edge of my halls of residence to get into it. I was so dazed and completely whacked.

“When I got to the hospital I remember sitting in the waiting room, but that’s about it.”

Before long, formerly fit and healthy Tom was deemed critically ill when the virus began to affect his vital organs.

Some members of family, who had made the trip to Cardiff to be by his hospital bedside, were warned that he may not survive.

His father David Boyce said: “It just became a complete blur. I didn’t really know what to make of the informatio­n we were hearing.

“We were ushered off to the family room, which I didn’t think much of at the time. Then nurses would come back and forth saying Tom was worsening and worsening.

“We reached a point where his heart was so weak that he had reached ‘rock bottom.’ He was as ill as he could be.

“By late afternoon we were allowed to see him – and suddenly it was ‘goodbye’ time.”

In a last-ditch attempt to save him, a team from St Thomas’ Hospital in London travelled to UHW to place Tom on an advanced heart and lung life support machine known as an ECMO (extra corporeal membrane oxygenatio­n).

He was then blue-lighted via an ECMO retrieval ambulance to the intensive care unit at St Thomas’ where he was placed in an induced coma for several days to see if his body could recover.

“I hallucinat­ed a lot [when in a coma] and I can remember them all really vividly,” he added.

“For some reason I thought the hospital was under attack by loads of gangs who had broken through police lines and were holding us hostage.

“None of the hallucinat­ions were funny or trivial, they were absolutely terrifying.”

Slowly but surely, Tom’s condition began to improve and he was eventually taken off the ECMO machine altogether.

“I’ve been weaker since coming out of hospital and I lost about 20kg,” he said.

“My cardiac personal trainer asked me if I’d consider doing martial arts, so I’m now doing Brazilian Jiujitsu. But my rugby days are some way off yet.”

As Tom had only just started his degree in Geology when he fell ill, Cardiff University has allowed him to start the first year again in September.

“I have been incredibly unlucky to have the illness, but incredibly lucky to have had amazing care and come out the other side,” Tom added.

“It has given me a greater appreciati­on for life, my family and my friends.

“Without ECMO I would not be here, and tragically there are limited numbers of these machines due to the expense of them as well as the staff.”

To pay tribute to the ECMO team and raise awareness of his son’s illness, dad David is planning on walking from UHW to St Thomas’ on September 8.

The Kingston upon Thames resident, who used to live in Cardiff himself, plans to complete the 171mile journey in just six days.

David added: “Tom has been incredibly fortunate to receive the advanced critical care that ECMO offers.

“He has received amazing care and support from numerous dedicated doctors and nurses throughout his time under the care of the NHS and they have all ultimately contribute­d to him being given a second chance to live.

“I believe Tom’s story offers a really positive image of the NHS in its birthday year: the clinical expertise, the management decision making, the collaborat­ion between trusts, the use of centres of excellence to provide specialist services like ECMO from its five locations to the rest of the country, and the incredible care and support healthcare workers give to patients and families.”

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 ??  ?? > Tom in intensive care after being struck down with pneumonia
> Tom in intensive care after being struck down with pneumonia
 ??  ?? > Tom Boyce before he was ill
> Tom Boyce before he was ill

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