Western Mail

India expecting Stokes to be in England line-up


INDIA coach Ravi Shastri sees no reason why Ben Stokes should miss the third Specsavers Test – and he wants his team to play against him.

Shastri insists India want to test themselves against the “top cricketers”, a category which of course includes Stokes.

England’s premier all-rounder is available to them again, as they bid to wrap up the series 3-0 in Nottingham, after being cleared of affray at Bristol Crown Court this week.

Shastri’s opposite number Trevor Bayliss declined to confirm yet that Stokes will definitely return to England’s winning team.

But the tourists are expecting him to be chosen tomorrow.

“He is a terrific cricketer – we would like to play against top cricketers,” said Shastri.

“If he is cleared by the courts, what’s the reason for him not to play?

“If I was in England’s position, I would have wanted him to play.”

That does not mean India will necessaril­y desist from reminding Stokes of recent events once they take the field.

“This team is not worried ... it will give you back as good as it gets,” added Shastri, who was also able to report India captain Virat Kohli will be fit after recovering from a back strain which laid him low towards the end of the tourists’ innings defeat at Lord’s last weekend.

Former Glamorgan all-rounder Shastri insists too that no faith has been lost in vice-captain Ajinkya Rahane, one of several batsmen short of runs.

“I don’t think it’s fair to single out any one player, you have seen batsmen from both teams struggling,” he said.

“Conditions have been tough right through this series.

“But that’s where character comes ... into play and discipline comes into play, the resolve to know where your off-stump is, leave a lot of balls, be prepared to look ugly and dirty and show some grit.

“It’s a case of mental resolve ... he is one of our pillars, (and) he will remain one of our pillars.”

Kohli is on the mend, and was able to bat and field without any apparent discomfort during morning nets during the course of yesterday.

“(He) is feeling much better,” said Shastri.

“You saw him in the nets – he is moving much better and improving by the day.”

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