Western Mail

You touched the hearts of so many, now rest in peace my dear friend

Aamir Mohammed pays tribute to his friend, the inspiratio­nal charity worker Owess Munir, who has been killed in a car crash


YOU RARELY meet people in life who push you to do better, not just for yourself, but for the wider community.

You rarely meet people in life who make you think you aren’t doing enough, just through their actions.

My best friend, Owess Munir, was one of those people – and tragically died in a car crash last week. A whole community is mourning the loss of Owess, not just his family and friends, and will continue to do so for a long time.

The 23-year-old, from Lisvane, was making his way back from a charity fundraiser in Manchester when his car crashed into a tree. He was pronounced dead on the scene, leaving people shocked and confused. He left behind a younger brother and two younger sisters.

“How did this happen, I must be dreaming”, were the thoughts running through my mind as I was awoken by the tragic news in the early hours of the morning. I sat up and tried to contemplat­e what had happened, yet even a week later, I still refuse to believe it.

We met on the first day of high school and instantly got along. He was open and welcoming, something really helpful for me starting my first day at a new school. We often played football or socialised with other friends. Our friendship carried on after school and we often volunteere­d for charities together.

He pursued a degree in Sound Technology at the University of South Wales and although we attended different universiti­es, we kept in constant contact. In January, we had a holiday booked for my birthday, which won’t be the same anymore.

Owess was a dedicated charity worker and committed his life to helping those less fortunate than himself. He started volunteeri­ng from the age of 16 and gave up his weekends handing out leaflets and fundraisin­g.

He mainly helped out for internatio­nal aid agency Islamic Relief and, after years of volunteeri­ng, he became the charity’s community fundraisin­g officer for Wales.

Owess had only been in the job for a year. Previously, he worked as an event coordinato­r for Marble Management, something he was also passionate about.

He was committed to helping anyone who needed it and didn’t disregard anyone due to their race or colour. Last Christmas, he and others set up a food donation project by handing out food to the homeless on Christmas Day.

At his funeral, hundreds gathered at the Dar-Ul-Isra mosque in Cathays. The funeral started at 1.30pm and I arrived at 10.30am to see the mosque packed with people praying and reminiscin­g. Outside, volunteers worked hard to ensure people were parking correctly so that the local community was not affected.

Naeem Raza, a charity consultant, spoke tearfully about the legacy Owess had left behind.

He said: “I travelled with Owess for a number of years and the one thing I remember was his smile. How can a smile be so infectious? He started volunteeri­ng from a young age and spoke so confidentl­y I was shocked.”

A statement from his mum, Shakeela Munir, read: “I am overwhelme­d by the blessings that my family and I are being showered with. My family and I were blessed to have 23 years with Owess, and never have I felt more blessed than I do now.

“May Allah grant him Jannat (heaven) and continue to shower him with his infinite mercy. Let’s utilise this short time by being at the service of those in need.

“To be at the service of those who need it, we also need to be spirituall­y strong.”

Once we proceeded to the graveyard, there was a similar scene, with a huge crowd of people watching and aiming to help in any way they could. I had never ever seen a funeral with this many people, but it truly showed how many hearts he touched in his short life.

After a short prayer the burial ended, but people remained and stood watching over his grave, in a state of shock and remembranc­e. Again, this was something I hadn’t seen before as people continued to pay their respects.

Perhaps though, his legacy will be greatest to the younger kids who volunteere­d for charity. He constantly gave his all to look after them and make the charity a fun and exciting environmen­t, persuading them to also volunteer.

A heartwarmi­ng video was posted on social media this week of kids in Jordan, sending a short tribute and prayer to him, which sums up the legacy he has left behind.

A Gofundme page has now been set up to donate money to charity by his immediate family and friends. They are hoping to raise £50,000 in his name. It had already collected more than £6,000 at the time of writing this.

Owess’ death has taught me many things but perhaps the biggest is not to waste time.

Tell your loved ones how much you love them every day. Start every day with a positive attitude and never say no to anything.

Be the best person you can be to everyone you come across and like Owess, leave a legacy behind where not one person can say a bad thing about you.

To my dear friend Owess Munir, rest in peace.

 ??  ?? > Cardiff charity worker Owess Munir, 23, pictured helping out. He has been killed in a car crash
> Cardiff charity worker Owess Munir, 23, pictured helping out. He has been killed in a car crash

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