Western Mail

Time to stop this Brexit nonsense


SO now Brexit has been put exactly where it belongs – behind the door clearly marked natural disasters and terrorism. The top secret documents of Yellowhamm­er on how to cope with a no-deal Brexit are now in the hands of the Civil Contingenc­y Secretaria­t, the body responsibl­e for emergency security planning in the UK, whose previous remits have included the severe flooding of 2000, the foot and mouth outbreak in 2001, and the Grenfell Tower fire.

This shows Brexit has spun completely out of control. Noone voted for a Brexit that was a catastroph­e on the scale of a natural disaster or terrorism. Chancellor Philip Hammond has confirmed the threat of “swingeing” cuts and that the costs of withdrawal must be covered by ‘internal reprioriti­sation’ – code for the inevitable fact that Brexit will mean more cuts, yet more austerity in a country already wracked by austerity, zero hours contracts and a living wage on which no family can live.

It is time to stop this nonsense. The widely acknowledg­ed Brexit lies and propaganda that gained a narrow margin in the Referendum vote seem to have made no difference. Matters are clearly beyond the control of parliament, where, at a time when it is the only thing on the political agenda that really matters, both major parties are hopelessly split on Brexit. All this chaos has made more and more people feel life in the EU was rosy and ready to back the much derided People’s Vote as the single way to bring back some sort of sanity to the national agenda.

The code word Yellowhamm­er was said to have been generated at random but there are social media remarks that it reflects the considerab­le decline in the British yellowhamm­er bird population, now on a red at-risk list; and that the yellowhamm­er’s unique song, characteri­sed by children’s author Enid Blyton as “a little bit of bread and no cheese”, is code for a No-Deal Brexit leading to rationing!

There is certainly a yellow warning ahead that Brexit is about to hammer not only the UK economy but British society, itself. Companies of the stature of Rolls Royce and Airbus are among major industries that have warned against a hard Brexit or crashing out of the EU with no deal. Nobody voted for anything like that two years ago. It’s time for the people of this country to take back control of this whole catastroph­ic process in a People’s Vote with an option to stay put in the EU. Dr Jean Silvan Evans Peterston-super-Ely Vale of Glamorgan

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