Western Mail

New law to tackle attacks on 999 workers


A crackdown on violence against emergency workers is set to be rubberstam­ped.

Criminals who attack victims including police, prison officers, fire service personnel and paramedics will face longer jail terms under the strengthen­ed regime.

A new offence will double the maximum sentence for assaulting an emergency worker from six to 12 months.

The Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Bill will receive Royal Assent today, with the measures coming into force in November.

Rhondda Labour MP Chris Bryant, who presented the Private Members’ Bill, said: “The growing tide of attacks on emergency workers – including ambulance workers, NHS staff, fire officers, prison officers and police – is a national scandal. All too often attackers get away with little more than a slap on the wrist. I hope this new law will help put a stop to that attitude.”

The government backed the new law, which will also mean judges must consider tougher sentences for a range of other offences – including GBH and sexual assault – if the victim is an emergency worker.

Justice Minister Rory Stewart said: “Assaulting prison officers or any emergency worker represents violence against the public as a whole.”

The bill also covers search-and-rescue services and certain healthcare staff.

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> Chris Bryant MP

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