Western Mail

‘It is clear senior members of Trump’s own team want him gone – convinced his erratic behaviour is a threat, not only to the United States but world peace...’

‘Treasons’ to be cheerful as Watergate reporter’s book and anonymous staffer’s leak suggest angry Trump might finally be getting his comeuppanc­e


Between them, Watergate reporter Bob Woodward and an anonymous senior White House official delivered a narrative that could yet prove Trump’s undoing.

Pictured right, Bob Woodward’s new book Fear: Trump In The Whitehouse

THE hysteria of Donald Trump’s screaming tweet brought to mind Kenneth Williams in all his camp Carry On glory. Instead of Julius Caesar shouting “infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me” this was the most powerful man in the world yelling “TREASON?” in block capitals.

Between them, Watergate reporter Bob Woodward and an anonymous senior White House official delivered a narrative that could yet proveTrump’s undoing.

The legendary journalist has this week detailed in the release of his new book, how Trump leads a “Crazy Town” administra­tion with those nearest to him believing the President to be “unhinged”.

The anonymous administra­tion official claimed they were part of a “quiet resistance” that is working inside the White House to prevent the Trump from putting the world on the brink of war and economic collapse.

The article, published in the New York Times, reinforced ongoing and now long-standing claims about the chaos within the Fright House.

Woodward first rose to journalist­ic prominence reporting a story about the similarly unhinged Nixon presidency – a tale fuelled in large part then, by an anonymous source.

Back in 1974, he and his partner, Carl Bernstein, called their informant “Deep Throat”.

Now we have come full circle, as the author of the anonymous New York Times article has now been labelled “Sheep Throat” as calls for them to show courage and come out from hiding are made.

To Trump’s supporters, the writer is a coward. To the President’s critics, they are a hero.

Either way, their claims show that those closest to the commander-inchief are not pinning their hopes on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion into Russian involvemen­t in the 2016 election removing him from office.

Instead, even among his own cabinet, there has been discussion of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start the complex process of impeaching Trump on th grounds that he is unfit to fulfil his duties.

It is clear senior members of Trump’s own team want him gone – convinced his erratic behaviour is a threat, not only to the United States but world peace.

Donnie reacted as only he knows how, calling out those responsibl­e and once again politicisi­ng the US Justice Department, saying they should smoke out the mole.

In an extraordin­ary display of defiance soon after the article was published, he blasted: “The failing New York Times has an anonymous editorial, can you believe it? Anonymous meaning gutless.”

He later delivered his snarling, “TREASON?” tweet.

Of course, there is no crime, but it has not stopped his Republican party from demanding action.

One of Trump’s most sycophanti­c flunkies, Senator Rand Paul, even suggested all White House staff should be subjected to lie detector tests.

Any such machine would surely spontaneou­sly combust if it was brought within 100 feet of the White House, such is the Trump administra­tion’s propensity for falsehood.

For all his bravado and boasts of historic economic success, while portraying himself as the alpha male of alpha males, those working in the Whitehouse want everyone to know the emperor has no clothes.

It may be that the latest muck will not stick to Teflon Don.

He has long defied prediction­s of his demise and survived attacks that would see any other western leader removed from office.

Maybe, like Julius Caesar, he will be stabbed in the back by those closest to him.

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