Western Mail

President Trump hits out at Capitol Hill protesters


US President Donald Trump has hit out at female protesters who have confronted senators over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, labelling them “paid profession­als only looking to make senators look bad”.

Mr Trump’s tweet came before a crucial Senate vote on Mr Kavanaugh, who stands accused of a high school-era sexual assault, which he denies.

Amid a national reckoning around gender roles and sexual consent, protesters have flooded the Capitol in recent days, with many women angrily addressing senators, some identifyin­g themselves as sexual assault victims.

The president struck a more upbeat note after the Senate pushed Mr Kavanaugh past a key procedural hurdle, saying on Twitter that he was “very proud”.

As the Kavanaugh nomination has dragged out, protests - and direct lobbying - have grown.

An emotional exchange last week between Republican senator Jeff Flake and two women quickly went viral and appeared to contribute to Mr Flake’s demand that a vote be delayed by a week for an FBI background investigat­ion.

On Thursday several women approached Republican senator Orrin Hatch near Capitol lifts to ask why he was backing Mr Kavanaugh. Mr Hatch told them to “grow up”. Democrat Joe Manchin was also confronted. “How do you know how I’m going to vote?” the senator responded after criticism from a protester. All three voted to push the nomination through.

Taking on the protesters directly, Mr Trump said in Friday’s tweet: “Don’t fall for it!”

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