Western Mail

‘His appointmen­t became a symbol of every woman’s worst nightmare’

Dr Cherrie Short looks at the politicisa­tion of justice


IN JULY of 2018, US President Trump chose Brett Kavanaugh, a conservati­ve judge from Washington DC, to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the US Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the DC circuit in 2006 by former President George W Bush. He quickly gained a reputation as a staunch conservati­ve, often siding with the right on issues like abortion and healthcare.

If you’ve been following the news at all, you’ll know that it wasn’t long after President Trump nominated Kavanaugh that he was confronted with allegation­s of sexual misconduct.

Professor Christine Blasey Ford testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that Kavanaugh had pinned her to a bed, groped her, and attempted to remove her clothing when they were in high school together. She was 15 at the time of the alleged assault; he was 17.

Two more women came forward with accusation­s when Kavanaugh was in college, claiming he either “exposed himself”, was present during dormitory gang rapes, or attempted to drug girls so that they could be easily raped by a group of men.

As the allegation­s quickly spread through the media, many Democrats posted tweets about being disgusted that such a man could be considered for the Supreme Court, while many Republican­s continued to defend him. Kavanaugh maintained his innocence, and Trump continued to give Kavanaugh his support.

The US Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body in the country with the authority to interpret the US Constituti­on and provide judicial review of acts of the Congress. The justices hold decision-making power over issues like gay marriage, access to healthcare, gun rights, property rights, presidenti­al investigat­ions, and even climate change agreements. The Supreme Court voted to legalise abortion in 1973 and to integrate public schools in 1954.

There are nine justices, led by the Chief Justice of the United States. The federal judges must first be nominated by the President and appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate.

On October 7, 2018, Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as America’s 114th Supreme Court justice, following a short investigat­ion and a personal testimony.

For many across the US, his appointmen­t became a symbol of every woman’s worst nightmare. Some expressed shock over how this could actually happen. When the allegation­s first went public, many felt it was enough to not confirm his nomination, and watching him join the most powerful court in the land after such serious allegation­s was beyond understand­ing. Many are concerned that his appointmen­t will only further disenfranc­hise women who are victims of sexual assault, and generally provide legal judgments that reinforce a system of inequality and oppression.

Yet beyond the issue of alleged sexual assault, Kavanaugh exhibited two other disqualify­ing behaviours during the Senate hearings. In a prepared statement, Kavanaugh gave an angry, highly partisan, and defiant presentati­on that attacked the Clintons and blamed Democratic Party money for the accusation­s against him. This statement completely contradict­ed his earlier claims to judicial impartiali­ty and to considerin­g all issues before the court purely on legal precedent and constituti­onal law.

Second, when asked about his drinking habits in high school and college, Kavanaugh repeatedly denied any heavy or binge drinking, which contradict­ed several witnesses’ accounts of his drinking behaviour during this period of his life.

Tragically, the extreme partisan polarisati­on over his nomination and his outburst of defiant partisansh­ip during the hearings will only serve to further politicise the Supreme Court, thus damaging the credibilit­y of the institutio­n and potentiall­y underminin­g the rule of law in the years ahead.

This major American political controvers­y over Kavanaugh’s appointmen­t has important implicatio­ns for the Supreme Court in the UK as well. A report by the human rights organisati­on Justice shows that over the court’s entire history through 2017 there had been only one women member among the 12 justices and all the rest have been privileged white males. Fortunatel­y, over the past year, two more women have been appointed, bringing the total female justices today to three of 12.

Yet the total lack of ethnic and social-economic diversity continues, which clearly does not reflect the makeup of the nation and risks underminin­g the legitimacy of the highest court and the rule of law in England and Wales.

While UK citizens may be appalled by the growing extreme politicisa­tion of the US Supreme Court and its nomination and confirmati­on processes, we should look to our own UK Supreme Court and work to assure the kind of administra­tion of justice in England and Wales that promotes justice for all, not a privileged few.

■ Dr Short, a former Race Equality Commission­er for Wales, is now associate dean of Global and Community Initiative­s and professor of practice at USC Suzanne Dworak School of Social Work in Los Angeles, California.

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 ?? Alex Wong ?? > US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh participat­es in a ceremonial swearing in by retired Justice Anthony Kennedy in the White House earlier this month
Alex Wong > US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh participat­es in a ceremonial swearing in by retired Justice Anthony Kennedy in the White House earlier this month
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