Western Mail


The emotional in-depth story of Matthew Rees’ cancer battle


FORMER Wales and Lions hooker Matthew Rees is one of the most respected players of the profession­al era.

As his career reaches its close, the Cardiff Blues man, nicknamed ‘Smiler’ has told the story of his on and off-field highs and lows in a fascinatin­g book, Reasons to Smile.

WalesOnlin­e will be serialisin­g it in three parts, and we begin, today, with Matthew opening up for the first time about the biggest battle of his life – to overcome cancer,

In April 2013, Matthew noticed a lump on one of his testicles. As he was not in any discomfort he thought little of it and even toured with the Barbarians that summer. But when the lump was still there at the end of May, while he was in Hong Kong for the Baa-Baas’ game against the Lions who were on their way to Australia, he resolved to see the Wales team doctor on his return.

He takes up the story...

“The doctor completed an examinatio­n and told me that there was nothing to worry about. I received a course of antibiotic­s to take, and all expectatio­ns were that the lump would go away.

The pre-season was my first with the Cardiff Blues, and as mentioned previously, I was feeling in really good shape.

At the end of August, though, I went to see Gareth Jones, the team doctor at Cardiff Blues, as the lump was still there. It hadn’t changed in size from what I could see and feel, but I just wanted it checked as it had now been a while since I’d first spotted it in April, with no improvemen­t.

I explained to Gareth about my previous visit to the Wales doctor and he completed an examinatio­n – his conclusion was the same: nothing to worry about, and another course of antibiotic­s.

In October 2013, Cardiff Blues travelled to Exeter to play them in a Heineken Cup tie. The game was played on a Sunday afternoon, and in the morning when the boys were getting strapped for the game, I spoke to the team doctor again.

I’d now finished two courses of antibiotic­s and the lump was still there, though I was still in no discomfort. The team doctor said that once we got back from Exeter, he’d refer me to a consultant.

I captained the team that day – unfortunat­ely to a loss – and was still not overly concerned about this lump that stubbornly wouldn’t go away.

The appointmen­t with the consultant took place early the following week, prior to the Toulon Heineken Cup game.

The consultant was Richard Coulthard and I met him at the Spire Hospital in Cardiff. After a thorough examinatio­n, I was referred for a CT scan.

During the consultati­on, Richard told me that he wasn’t excluding any possibilit­ies about what the lump was, but we needed to find out what it was.

I was told that regardless of the scan’s findings, I needed an operation to remove the testicle, in a procedure called an orchiectom­y.”

Still not massively concerned, Matthew confided in Blues director of rugby Phil Davies, saying he intended to carry on playing and have the operation during the November internatio­nal period, a slot in the calendar that would be quieter for the region.

But that plan, as well as his life and his family’s lives, was soon turned on its head. He goes on...

“At 5.30pm on Friday, October 18, 2013, Richard called to break the news that he was pretty sure it was cancer and that it had spread into a lymph node in my stomach.

He said I needed a biopsy as soon as possible, from which we’d know for certain what it was.

The first thought I had in my head was, was I going to die? Then I thought about my family: how would they cope?

And also my rugby career being over. I just couldn’t believe it – cancer? I was too young, surely? Shortly after I took the call from Richard, Becky came home.

I broke the news to her and we both broke down. What was going to happen during this process, we just didn’t know. I had the operation to remove one of my testicles on October 24 and then had to wait two

weeks for the biopsy results. It felt like two months waiting to find out what the outcome was.

Becky and I travelled to the Spire Hospital on November 7 to receive the news from Richard, really apprehensi­ve about the outcome of the biopsy. We were told it was indeed testicular cancer, but that we’d caught the cancer early.

Richard was trying to be as positive as possible, but in reality the only word I heard coming out of his mouth was ‘cancer’.

I’d be undergoing chemothera­py to try to overcome this disease, and I’d be a patient at Velindre Hospital in Whitchurch, Cardiff.

When I first got there, I couldn’t believe what it was like in the waiting room waiting to be called; it was like a cattle market.

There were all these people in one public area, waiting for their names to be called to be seen. I’d been expecting the process to be far more private.

When I was called, I was taken into a room where what was going to happen was explained, blood tests were taken and the consultant gave me a leaflet about chemo and side effects such as hair loss. I lost my cool with the consultant, as I was adamant I wasn’t going to lose my hair – Becky tried to calm me down, but losing my hair really touched a nerve with me.

Velindre were superb. I had a room to myself throughout my stay, which I really appreciate­d as I’m a very private person.

That first day I was really ill after the chemo. After a few days, though, once the medical staff had adapted the anti-sickness medication to fit my needs, the sickness initially wore off.

I remember in the early days of the treatment saying to one of my nurses, ‘This chemo isn’t so bad.’ She just gave me a look as if to say, ‘There’s worse to come’, and of course she was right.

On Christmas Day 2013, I was having chemo, which changed my Christmas routine. I went in for chemo early so I could have Christmas dinner at home with the family, and I remember vividly that over the New Year I was really ill.

I was bedridden for a few days – those were probably the worst days of treatment I had. But I was determined to get through it and beat this. I couldn’t leave my wife and daughter on their own in this world without me by their side. I was going to be a survivor of cancer.

In January 2014, after those initial bad days, I started to feel a lot better, and test results were bringing back some really positive results.

My red and white blood cell mark-

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 ??  ?? > Matthew with wife Becky and daughter Brooke
> Matthew with wife Becky and daughter Brooke

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