Western Mail

‘This is a bit rich coming from an actress who has been involved in some films which might not exactly be viewed as feminist’

- COLUMNIST ABBIE WIGHTWICK abbie.wightwick@walesonlin­e.co.uk

KEIRA Knightley has banned her daughter from watching Cinderella and other Disney films whose portrayal of women she disagrees with.

Cinderella and Little Mermaid are off limits for three year-old Edie Knightley Righton.

This is a bit rich coming from an actress who has been involved in some films which might not exactly be viewed as feminist.

There she was as Elizabeth Swann in Pirates of The Caribbean looking pretty in frocks while the blokes got out their swords and into the real action in the bestseller Disney franchise that made her name.

Then there was Love Actually – a film all about a woman being saved by a strong bloke – when she played Juliet looking gorgeous on her wedding day.

And Keira may have been a vengeful, strong woman in Atonement but that involved more flashing of her body in the sex scene than her co-star James MacAvoy’s.

Art, as life, is sexist. It’s better to make the girls aware of this early on and talk to them about it so we can all move the story on.

There is so much wrong with fairy tale depictions of women it’s hard to know where to begin.

From a man kissing an unconsciou­s woman (Sleeping Beauty) to an ugly old beast sexually harassing his young servant to save his life (Beauty and the Beast), you couldn’t make it up. Or could you?

Far from make believe, these sorts of things are happening in the real world, according to testimony coming from campaigns like the #metoo, the Every Day Sexism Project and Time’s Up, not to mention various court cases.

Will Keira take her ban further? Logic says she should. Troublesom­e depictions of women doesn’t begin and end with fairy tales and Disney. Much of the world’s classic and modern literature as well as plays and musicals shown and performed in schools, depict a sexist view of life where women need rescuing from big, brave men. From Miss Saigon to Phantom of the Opera, Jane Eyre to Pride and Prejudice, it’s all there. Banning your kids from watching, reading or even performing these stories, plays and musicals is not the answer. They are tales of now and tales of their time which can tell us about the past, present and the future for men and women, unless we pay heed to them. Banning art, if Disney films are deemed art, has always proved a fruitless task. Prohibitio­n generally makes whatever is banned more attractive for being illicit. As a parent it is tempting to think you’re protecting your young people by forbidding things that might harm them. You’ll only have any chance of protecting them if you explain what it is you’re asking them not to do, and why. Keira’s daughter is only three so that is tricky. But rememberin­g my daughters at three they had a pretty well-honed sense of what was fair and that girls could do whatever boys could. You can always tailor the talk to the child. Keira Knightley told chat show host Ellen DeGeneres that 1950’s Cinderella “waits around for a rich guy to rescue her. Don’t! Rescue yourself. Obviously!” And she said of Little Mermaid: “I mean, the songs are great, but do not give your voice up for a man. Hello!” could That’s let true, her daughter but she watch them and then watch Frozen and Tangled to see how women have succeeded, in some part, to get equality in Disney, thanks to the global feminist movement which has at last penetrated that bastion of male dominance, Hollywood. The actress, currently promoting another Disney film of her own, The Nutcracker and the Four Realms, in which she plays the Sugar Plum Fairy, says she does let her daughter watch more recent Disney films with better representa­tion of heroines. That new-style representa­tion has only come about thanks to the work and campaignin­g of feminists for a century or more. Without that back story, Keira’s three year-old may believe the world was and is a place of fairy tale bliss where all women are equal to men. Far from it. The fight goes on. There’s a long way to go before men and women have equality. To promote and create a sugarspun Hollywood dream where all women have the freedom to be strong and independen­t is just as much a dangerous myth as depicting heroines needing to be rescued by princes.

Women the world over are still battling issues from affordable child care to equal pay, period poverty to sexual harassment.

In Saudi Arabia women have only been legally permitted to drive this year. In Pakistan women are allowed to vote, but less than 10% did so in 2013 elections.

Although Pakistani women were given the vote in 1956, community and religious leaders in some of the most conservati­ve parts of the country prevent women from voting. Leaflets were circulated in the 2013 elections warning men not to allow female family members to vote because it was “un-Islamic.”

According to Rebecca Wright, a barrister and human rights lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, these practices continued in the 2015 local elections.

Another report from Human Rights organisati­on Equality Now shows the law allows for men to rape their wives in Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Lesotho, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. In four of these countries, it is permitted even when the victim is a child.

So, banning your daughters from watching Cinderella, far from helping the cause, prevents them from seeing just how much has been achieved and what still needs doing in the battle for gender equality.

You can’t shut your eyes like Sleeping Beauty and wait to be saved by a strong feminist.

You have to learn to be one yourself.

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 ??  ?? > The Little Mermaid is off limits for three year-old Edie Knightley Righton. Below inset, Keira Knightley
> The Little Mermaid is off limits for three year-old Edie Knightley Righton. Below inset, Keira Knightley

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