Western Mail

Why we must act on unregister­ed schools


I WAS appalled to learn that the English education watchdog, Ofsted, has found evidence of unregister­ed and poorly performing registered private faith schools using textbooks preaching misogyny and homophobia, contrary to the laws of the land.

These polarising materials preach that domestic violence is perfectly acceptable, wives cannot withhold sex from their husbands, and also condones killing gay people. Ofsted chief inspector of schools Amanda Spielman embarrassi­ngly admitted to the Public Accounts Committee that her department lacks appropriat­e powers to seize evidence, and as a consequenc­e of this is “tackling the issue with one arm tied behind our back”.

It is a criminal offence to operate an unregister­ed school. In 2016, Ofsted launched a probe into unregister­ed schools masqueradi­ng as religious charities in London, and run by ultra-orthodox Jewish organisati­ons; at least a dozen illegal Charedi schools were operating in the area. In the same year, several private Christian schools were rated inadequate after they had been caught teaching their pupils that evolution is a lie, abortion is immoral, and non-Biblically sanctioned relations cause HIV infection, on the basis of a US curriculum called Accelerate­d Christian Education. Earlier this year, an ACE school in London was rated inadequate as it failed to teach pupils to “properly develop the skills to collect and evaluate scientific evidence”.

If this is happening in England, how can we guarantee the same isn’t occurring right under our noses on this side of the Severn Bridge? How many children in Wales are being deprived of a decent education that prepares them for adulthood, as is their right?

What is being done by Welsh Government now to ensure unregister­ed schools are being shut down, and to check that registered private schools don’t pursue a divisive curriculum in breach of equality legislatio­n? This isn’t solely an issue of education; every child and young person needs and deserves to be able to learn in a safe, inclusive and nurturing environmen­t in order to thrive. Daniel Pitt Mountain Ash

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