Western Mail

Brexiters will be at fault if it goes wrong


THE admission by Dominic Raab that he hadn’t appreciate­d the “full extent” of how reliant the UK is on the Dover-Calais crossing, or the peculiar geographic entity that is the UK, should send shivers down the spine of us all. He is the Brexit secretary. You couldn’t make it up.

Gove’s view that we don’t need experts seems to have informed Brexit negotiatio­ns from the start. The British ambassador to the EU having to brief cabinet on what exactly the Single Market and Customs Union are, Fox’s view that striking a trade deal with EU would be the easiest in human history, Davis turning up with nothing but a notepad are but three examples of the totally shambolic approach taken from the start.

We’ve all been in glassware shops where the sign says “you break it, you own it”. The same applies to Brexit. If it is a glorious success then its supporters will quite rightly take the plaudits as we enter the land of milk and honey.

If however it goes badly wrong, as most “experts” predict, Brexiters must surely own that. The excuses however are already mounting, with claims that it was never about promises of greater prosperity and equality, that it will be the wicked EU’s fault for sticking to the treaties the UK actually signed up to.

Falling tax revenues leading to poorer public services, firms disinvesti­ng and job losses, potential medicine and food shortages, the loss of social and environmen­t protection etc were not what the people of Wales were promised and voted for. We may however get it.

Dr Robert Morgan Efail Isaf, Pontypridd

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