Western Mail



“I will think of Hubert Grant, my father’s cousin, who fought and died at Passschend­aele at the age of just 19, but also the millions of sacrifices made for the security and peace of our continent.”

The Prime Minister

“They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate Donald Trump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen.”

Tory MP Sir Nicholas Soames after claims that the US President failed to attend a memorial because of rain.

“I’ve no idea what my epitaph will be, but I am very curious to see what my obituary says.”

Actor Robert De Niro “Today, we mark Remembranc­e Sunday to honour the memory of the empty places at so many family dinner tables - and it is this that should take precedence, not the grand plans and gestures of politician­s here and abroad, who have their own purposes in mind”

Jeremy Paxman, above

“I revel in playing people that are slightly antagonist­ic and slightly flawed.”

Harry Potter star Tom Felton

“He was a lovely brother. That was a very sad time. My father went upstairs to his own room. I crept up after him. He was just sitting there crying. It was a big loss to him - his only son.”

Grace Jones, 112, the oldest person in the country, whose brother Tom died at Gallipoli

“All I have been doing for the last 16 years are ego-based projects”

Film star Michelle Rodriguez

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