Western Mail

We can’t just leave if we have a contract


IF and when the United Kingdom leaves the EU, the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland becomes the border between the United Kingdom and the EU.

The United Kingdom will have the right to do as it wishes on its side of the border and Ireland and the EU will have the right to do as they wish on their side.

Keeping the border transparen­t will be a contractua­l arrangemen­t between the parties on either side.

Any contract worthy of the name will set out the terms on which either party can withdraw from the contract and the required notice.

Any other withdrawal would be a breach of contract, subject to penalties set out in the contract.

Any dispute would be declared subject to arbitratio­n by a court with authority over both parties.

Which court is another question. Presumably, both the United Kingdom Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice would be out of the question, since both lack the required degree of authority.

What is absolutely clear from the above is that there is no question of the UK unilateral­ly terminatin­g the arrangemen­t without consequenc­es.

Insistence on this possibilit­y is forcing a square peg into a round hole that is too small.

Most of us who live on the British mainland are surrounded by sea and have little understand­ing of what a land border is and means.

It means, for instance, that your neighbour could be a citizen of a different country and taking your dog for a walk could, in theory, render you guilty of illegal entry.

Looking at the matter through the wrong end a telescope, as do certain members of the Westminste­r government, makes matters worse. Peter Bissmire Caerphilly

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