Western Mail

Man guilty of taking ‘prop’ gun into pub

- JASON EVANS Reporter jason.evans@walesonlin­e.co.uk

AMAN who took a replica “James Bond” pistol into a pub said it was intended as a prop for his mother’s amateur theatre production, a court has heard.

A scuffle broke out in the bar when a concerned customer saw the imitation weapon in the waistband of Fraser Daniel Rees’ trousers.

Rees denied possession of an imitation firearm in a public place – saying he had a reasonable excuse for having it with him and in any case had lawful authority to carry it – but was found guilty following a Swansea Crown Court trial.

Rees went into the Red Lion pub in Cardigan on the evening of April 2 last year with the airsoft weapon – a type of low-power smooth-bore air gun – tucked into his trousers.

Dyfed Thomas, prosecutin­g, told the jury the gun was a replica of a Walther PPK, the handgun made famous by Sean Connery and Roger Moore in their portrayals of James Bond.

A scuffle ensued in the pub involving Rees and a number of customers who were trying to disarm him. At one stage Rees was seen to hold up the Walther and shout “It’s a fake!”.

Rees surrendere­d the gun and subsequent­ly left the pub.

The court heard police were called and the 41-year-old was found outside the bar. He began to talk to the officer about paedophile­s and police shootings in South America. The officer described him as “incoherent”.

Rees, of St Mary Street, Cardigan, was subsequent­ly arrested and sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

The trial heard that earlier that day Rees had visited the Pilgrim Cross in Nevern, Pembrokesh­ire – a cross carved into the rock on the St David’s pilgrimage route – and then went to a nearby church, where his behaviour caused the lay vicar some concern.

Preacher Steve Watkins, a farmer by trade, told the court Rees handed him an “alarming” letter in which the defendant set out his “world view” and in which he seemed to feel that “part of the solution to the problems in the world was killing people”.

That afternoon Rees went into Cardigan police station and asked for details of paedophile­s living in the locality.

The court heard the police officer on the front counter told him that informatio­n was not available to the public.

Around 8.30pm that night the defendant went to the Red Lion with the replica gun. The court heard it had been lent to Rees by a friend called Gareth Allerton, described in court as an “airsoft and James Bond fanatic”.

Police forensic firearms examiner Andrew Huxtable confirmed the item was a non-functionin­g airsoft replica of a Walther PKK and should be classed as an imitation firearm.

Rees, who represente­d himself in the trial, told the court he had borrowed the Walther because his mother needed a realistic-looking prop for her forthcomin­g Cardigan theatre production of Blackadder.

He questioned the legality of his arrest and the validity of the expert firearms evidence. He also accused the prosecutio­n barrister of trying to mislead the court, and tried to hand copies of the 1688 Bill of Rights to the jury.

Under cross-examinatio­n, the defendant said: “I borrowed [the Walther PKK] for a play. I didn’t conceal it. I asked Gareth to give me something that would not get me into trouble.”

Asked why he took the item into the pub with him, he said he did not want to leave it in the car.

He said: “It does not matter because it was not an airsoft or a firearm. Even if it was, I have lawful authority. Lord Denning said I am entitled to have it for self-defence.”

The barrister said: “What were you defending yourself against?” Rees replied: “People like you who are trying to send me to prison.”

The jury found the defendant guilty by a majority of 10 to two. Sentencing was adjourned to January 18 for the preparatio­n of reports.

 ??  ?? > Fraser Rees arriving at Swansea Crown Court
> Fraser Rees arriving at Swansea Crown Court

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